Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Henry Jenkins, bachelor

Place name:





1. Will
dated August 1736.
Beneficiaries: To his 3 nieces Mary, Jane and Katherine, daughters of his brother John Jenkins, a cottage and lands in Craswall called Shop and Teer y Shop.
To them in addition, 40/- p.a. out of lands called Teer y Tw Newydd and a messuage and lands in Craswall now in the tenure of William Lewis , otherwise Probert.
To James, Samuel, John and Mary, sons and daughter of his brother William Price, deceased, 40/- each.
To the poor of Craswall, 40/-.
Mary, Jane and Katherine to be residual legatees

Executrices: Mary, Jane and Katherine.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Magdalen Price, Mary Price and Tho: Price.

Date of Probate:
8 July 1737

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
27 April 1737 , value £18 15 7d. Appraisers Richard Price and Phillip Parry.




A small but nicely detailed inventory which includes 'One brass pann with two Holes through' and 'Two Looms and six Slayers [£1], one piching ax, a wheel and 'waits for waying' and a trough for warping.' 5 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0610