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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Johan Myles, widow.

Place name:





1. Will
31 January 1688 .
Beneficiaries: To her son in law, William Myles, two black cows and one red bullock, one little black bullock, one young mare, one 'hogg pig and a store'.
To her daughter, Elinor Phillipp, one brown cow, one pied heifer, two young beasts, one hogg pig and one store [pig].
To her grandson, David Myles, her great brass pan and the biggest brass pot provided William Myles 'shall have the use of them for his lifetime'.
To her grandchild, Jenlyn[?] Myles, her second brass kettle and two pewter dishes. The rest of the pewter to be equally divided between William Myles and her daughter Elinor.
To daughter, Elinor, the best brass kettle, one brass pot and one feather bed.
To her grandchid, Thomas Myles, one little feather bed and one little coffer.
To Elinor, her daughter, one chest and a great coffer.
To David Myles, one long table board 'that is in the Hall'.
To her beloved kinsman, Thomas Davies of
Kingston , 20/-.
Residual legatees William Myles an Elinor Phllipps.

Executor: son in law, William Myles.

Marked by the testator.

Witnesses:Tho: Davies, Thomas Dason and David Miles.

Date of Probate:
7 September 1693 .

2. Inventory: dated
12 January 1692/3 , value £43 14 2d. Appraisers Walter Haries and Tho: Davies.




Documents include a Memorandum to the will stating that funeral expenses and all other charges are to be met by her executor and her daughter Elinor Phillipps. 4 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0709