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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Mary Symonds, widow

Place name:





1. Will
[3 pages] dated
1 April 1851 .
She expresses a wish to be buried 'as near as conveniently may be to the remains of my late beloved Husband in the
Parish Church of ….Michaelchurch Escley'. If objections are raised by the ecclesiastical authorities then she wishes to be buried in the churchyard there.
Beneficiaries: She leaves everything in trust to her executor; he to pay all debts etc. and the following legacies:
To her nephew, Edward Prosser, £10.
To her niece, Elizabeth Harper, £10.
To Elizabeth Herbert, £5.
To Margaret Ballet, £5.
To her cousin, Margery Walters, £5.
To, her goddaughter, Hannah Evans, £20 when she attains the age of 21, also her bedstead and the bed on which she usually sleeps and her 'Deal Box' with its contents. The £20 is to be placed out at interest to provide for Hannah's education
Whatever money there may be in the residue of her estate is to be placed out at interest for the benefit of her niece, Mary Jones. Mary is also to have her wearing apparel, goods and chattels. Mary Jones also to have the rents arising from the entire property in Craswall which the trustee is to let, these rents to be for her own and separate use, independent of any future husband.

Executor: her 'trusty and well beloved' friend George Hughes. He is not to be answerable for any loss unless it be by wilful neglect.

Signed by the testator.

Witnesses: William Hughes and Richard Lang of Hay.

Date of Probate: 'At Craswall the 1st day of March 1856'.




No Inventory. Documents include a bond naming Mary Jones, widow, administrator for the estate. Mary Jones' address is given as 'of the three Horse Shoes, Craswall'.
7 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0690