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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Mathew Powell, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
12 June 1705
Beneficiaries: To his wife [unnamed], the moiety or his share of premises according to a deed made between him and Leison Price of Llanveynoe, yeoman and Thomas Powell of Craswall, yeoman. Also to his wife, all his household stuff, one cow and a one year old heifer.
To his daughter, Anne, one 3 year old heifer.
To his daughter, Mary, £5 to be paid out of a bond of £10 due from Tho: Powell.
To sons, John and Mathew, 50/- each.
To Thomas, son of David Sikes, one ewe and one lamb.
To his son Watter, 1/-.
To his son, Thomas, 1/-.
To Jane, daughter of Walter Powell, 20/- and one ewe and one lamb.
He gives his son, John, £1 'for and towards discharging him from being a souldier'.
To Walter Powell, son of the said Walter, one ewe and a lamb.

Executors: His wife [still unnamed] and Walter his son

Marked by the testator.

Witnesses: Walter Haries[?], Thomas Jones and Job[?] Gilbert.

Date of Probate:
11 September 1705 .

2. Inventory: none but endorsement states the inventory was worth £30 2 10d.




An interesting piece of information in the will about purchasing discharge from the army.
2 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0651