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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Phillipp David alias Griffith , yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages] dated
27 March 1707 .
Beneficiaries: To wife, Elizabeth, all his right and title to the messuage in Craswall in which he dwells, on condition that she pay all the rent and quit rent charged on the property. Also one little black cow and half his household stuff.
To Jacob Griffths, his nephew, 40/-.
To Job Grithiths, nephew, and to Hannah Griffiths, niece, £4 each.
To his brother, Howell Griffiths, 10/- and his best suit.
To nephew, David Griffiths, one ewe and a lamb.
To the children of Lawrence Read, one ewe and a lamb each.
To Elizabeth Parry, his maid servant, 20/-.
To Margery, wife of David Watkins, 20/-.
All his corn and grain and provision within the house to be equally divided between his wife and his 'Loveing brother' Zachary Griffiths.
To Henry Prosser, the right in a meadow the testator rents from Walter Higgins
Residual legatee, brother, Zachary Griffiths

Executor: Broher, Zachary Griffiths.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses:, David Watkins, Henry Prosser, Williiam Hunt and Tho. Proce

Date of Probate:
5 November 1707 .

2. Inventory: dated
11 April 1707 , value £38 14 2d. Appraisers David Watkins, Walter Harries, James Jones and Stephen Watkins




4 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0598