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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Rees Phillipp Harry, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
30 July 1667 .
Beneficiaries: To Phillipp Harry, his son and heir, 3 leasehold parcels of land which he holds of Edmond Thomas of Michaelchurch Escley, gent, situated in the townships of Craswall and Llanveynoe, on condition that Phillipp shall be 'bound in one bond …of the specialtie of ffourteene pounds' with sufficient sureties for the payment f £7 to his executrix. If Phillipp refuses then the property or lease is to be enjoyed by his executrix for the remainder of the lease.
To Rees William, one yearling heifer.
To David Prees, one weaning ox calf.
To Mary Parry, one feather bed, one bolster, one coverlid, a pair of sheets, a flaxen sheet and one small brass pot.
To Alice Harry, one flock bed and one bolster.
To Phillipp Harry, his brass pan and to Harry, his grandchild,one weaning calf.
To Hugh Charles' 3 children, 10/- to buy each of them a lamb.
To his son, Phillipp, one cupboard, and the table boards in the Hall and the lesser bedstead in the lower chamber.
He further wills that his daughter, Sible, 'shall enjoye the uper chamber or loft over the lower chamber in my dwelling house during her liefe for herself only', and she is to be residual legatee.
His funeral expenses are left to the discretion of his executrix.

Executrix: his daughter, Sible Harry

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Hugh Charles, 'Blaynce his mark' [?] and Thomas Watkins

Date of Probate:
7 August 1668 .

2. Inventory: dated 19 [?] 1667, value £3 18 8d. Appraisers George Parry and Hugh Charles.




The inventory is more a list of legacies. 4 documents

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0603