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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Robert Shawe, cooper

Place name:





1. Will
16 March 1673/4
Beneficiaries: To his eldest son John Shawe, one press cupboard, his best bedstead, best brass pan, one tableboard and one chair.
To Richard Shawe, £20 and one tableboard in his house.
To Elizabeth, his eldest daughter, £20, one feather bed, a coverlet, two pairs of sheets, one blanket, one brass pot, one brass posnet, two pewter platters and one coffer in his mother's house
To Maris, his second daughter, £20, one brass pan, one feather bed, one coverlet, two pairs of sheets, one blanket, one small tableboard 'and frame belonging to it' in his mother's house, one small bottle [?] and two pewter platters.
To Sibill, his youngest daughter, £20, one feather bed, one coverlet, two pairs of sheets, one blanket, one chest, his best brass pot and two pewter platters.
He leaves his wife, Johan, his messuage and lands bought by an indenture dated
2 October 1666 from Marmaduke and Elizabeth Lewis and Sylvanus Lewis, on condition that all legacies are paid six months after the children reach 21.

Executrix: his wife, Johan.

Signed by the testator.

Witnesses: Hugh Lord, Phillipp Parry and John Gilbert.

Date of Probate:
4 June 1674

2. Inventory: dated
26 April 1674 , value £46 5 3d. Appraisers John Gilbert, Thomas Morgan and Tho: Prue [?].




The inventory includes 'All maner of tooles belonging to his handy Crafft…7/8d'. Documents include a bond; 6 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0681