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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Samuel Jones, blacksmith

Place name:





1. Will
[3 pages] dated
3 June 1852 .
Beneficiaries: To his son, Samuel Jones, The Upper House, Hendy and Howell's Land in Craswall
To his son William Jones, £25.
To his daughter, Hannah Wilson, £5 out of the above named properties
The property is eventually to pass to his grandson, Charles Jones, son of John and Jane Jones.
To son James Jones, he bequeaths land called Howell's Land and to son John the house and land called The Neave in Craswall.
To his son Elijah Jones, the 'Two Cottages Known By the Names of The Three Horseshoes and the Forest Gate with the Blacksmiths Shop, with the Orchard Gardens' together withal his shop tools and 'My Blacksmith's Bills that will be Due to me'. He asks that Elijah pay off the £100 mortgage on the premises and also pay £25 to the testator's daughter Ann Jones from the above names premises in Craswall. Elijah to bury him in'a Decent and becoming Manner and to Pay all My Funeral Expences.'
To daughter Ann, in addition to the £25, his clock and the corner cupboard that stand in The Upper House.

Executor: son, Samuel Jones.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: George Hughes and Mary Ann Hughes.

Date of Probate:
10 November 1856 .




No inventory. 6 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0614