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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Watkins, gent.

Place name:





1. Will
[3 pages] dated 7[?] May 1666.
Beneficiaries: To the cathedral
church of St Davids , 12d.
To [indecipherable] and Craswall church for reparations, 10/-.
He leaves forty[?] cattle, twelve horses, mares and colts…and forty sheep to his executrix.
To [blank] Gilbert and William Gilbert, £40[?]
To John Powell, £20.
To Constance Price, £20.
To Elizabeth Harry, £17.
To Harry Davies, £10.
To Elizabeth S[unreadable], £10.
To Mary Price, £7.
To Catherine Rowland, £7.
To his niece, Mary Ann Jennings, £5.
To his executrix, his 'barn of Foscom otherwise called Oxbow[?] Foscom in the several townships of Craswall and Llanveynoe' which he holds from John Arnold Esq. [some topographical detail follows]
He leaves his reputed daughter Jayne Watkins, £25.
To Aubrey, son of James Hay, £10.
To [indecipherable] Watkins, £5 to buy an apprenticeship for his, the testator's, godson.
To his niece, Mary Watkins 50/-
To Edward David, 50/- to buy an apprenticeship for his, the testator's, godson.

Executrix: his daughter, Constance Watkins.

Signed by the testator.

Witnesses: [missing]

Date of Probate:
27 August 1666 .

2. Inventory: [2 pages] dated
27 July 1666 , value £199 14 0d. Appraisers Lewis Jenkins, John Gilbert and Hugh Lord.




Documents include a bond that shows that Constance had become the wife of Thomas Price by the date of the probate. The combination of crossings out, blots and archaic spelling made this will a nightmare to decipher. There is a note at the bottom of the inventory stating that Constance Watkins, his widow was dead, dated 31 [?] July 1666.
7 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0700