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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Watkins, yeoman.

Place name:





1. Will
15 April 1789 .
Beneficiaries: To his wife, Ann, his moiety of the messuage and lands called Merdy in the parish of Clifford and after her death to his son, Thomas Watkins, subject to the payment of £50 to his daughter, Hannah, wife of John Jones; and £50 to his daughter, Mary, wife of William Prosser. These legacies to be charged on the messuage.
To his son, Richard, 4 parcels of land called Caia mai[?] Gwreth, subject to the payment of £30 to the testator's son, John Watkins of the City of
London .
To his wife, Ann, all his goods and chattels and after her death they are to pass to his son, Richard Watkins.

Executors: his wife Ann and son Richard Watkins, jointly.

Signed by the testator.

Witnesses: John Price, David Gilbert and Thomas Meredith.

Date of Probate:
2 March 1791 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
10 March 1790 , value £17 15 6d. Appraisers John Price and William Watkins.




See also BR/1804/14 the will of John Price of the Upper Cwm who leaves £50 and Wern Wen in Craswall to his nephew, John Watkins of the city of London . 5 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0701