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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Exton, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
dated 8 August 1711
Beneficiaries: To son, William Exton, all the messuage and lands in which the testator dwells, situated in Craswall and Michalechurch Escley, on condition he pay his debts and the following legacy:
To his daughter, Sarah, £60, within a year of his death
Also to William, his second best bed, two pairs of sheets, the new chest, 'my little new brass pott and alsoe the little brass kettle', two of the second best pewter platters, one porringer dish, all table boards and other boards, planks and benches, all his implements of husbandry, one barrel and one churn together with all his stock of cattle.
He bequeaths daughter, Sarah, all his household stuff not already mentioned, excepting the household stuff which his wife Elinor brought with her and which he now bequeaths to her.
Daughter, Sarah, is to have one chamber which is over the parlour 'and free liberty to the ffeire [fire] for her use without molestation' during the time she remains single. His wife, Elinor, is to share the same room and the two of them are to have the use and benefit 'of thegarden between the backhouse and the stable'.

Executor: son, William Exton.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Will: Rogers, James Exton and Joseph Exton..

Date of Probate:
16 January 1711/12 ..

2. Inventory: dated
22 August 1711 , value £50 17 6d. Appraisers Will: Rogers, Thomas Prichard and Joseph Exton.




Number of documents 2.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0583