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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Gilbert, gent

Place name:





1. Will
[2pages] dated
14 July 1661 :
Beneficiaries: To the Cathedral
church of St Davids , 6d
To 'the reparacon of the parish
church of Clodock ', 12d.
To Jane, his wife, all his household stuff and provisions together with all his livestock and £80 provided she leaves William Gilbert, his youngest son, £20 on her death.
To Henry Gilbert, son, £50.
To Alice, daughter, £70.
To William Gilbert, £120, when he reaches 21, and in the meantime £3 to be paid by Jane, his 'now wife', yearly [yearly crossed through].
To his 3 daughters, Elizabeth Mason, Catherine Jenkins and Mauld Hunt, £5 each.
To Lewis Gilbert, 'son and heyre Apparent', all his messuage, lands and other property where his son now lives on condition that £3 be equally divided between his 3 eldest children and paid to them yearly on the feast of St Michael the Archangel. After Lewis Gilbert's death the property to go to his heir, Gilbert Gilbert. If Gilbert is without heirs Then it goes to William Gilbert the testator's heir
To sons, Zachary Gilbert and Henry Gilbert, £5 each.
To William Gilbert, on the death of wife, Jane, all the testator's all his 'right title/tithe[?]and interest' in three parcels of land bought by testator from Oliffe Phillipps and Edward Howell John, late of Longtown, and lying in Longtown, until son John Gilbert shall pay £50 between William, Zachary and Henry the testator's sons or their heirs. The Deed bearing date
10 February 1559 [surely this should be 1659?] The money to be distributed as follows:
To William, £20, to Zachary, £10, to Henry, £20

Executors: wife, Jane and youngest son, William

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: David Lodwick, Thomas Watkins and Samuell Watkins

Date of Probate:
12 June 1663 .

2. Inventory dated
13 May 1663 , value £396 14 0d. Appraisers Howell Ychan, Thomas Watkins and Abraham Watkins.




Documents include a bond;.6 sheets in all.
More than 30 years later the original will was taken out of the Registry at Brecon and the one we have is a copy made at that time.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0575