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Probate Collection; Will for Jane Prise, spinster

Place name:





1. Will dated 15 May 1656
To James, son of David Nicholls, the unexpired term of her lease plus a mare and 3 kine.
To goddaughter, Jane Jones of The Cayo, £8.
To Miles and John Jones, cousins, 20/- each.
To Thomas, son of brother Lewis, one mare colt.
To Lewis, brother, £5 to be equally divided between his 5 young children.
To Richard Price of
Hereford , cousin, £3.
To Katherine, daughter od Richard Price, one tagged cow.
To Margaret Watkin, cousin, one black cow.
To Katherine Lewis, niece, 'one little Pann and One little pott'
To Johan Lewis, niece, one bolster.
To Jane Ychan, niece, 'one pyed heiffer'.
To David Nicholls, 5 kine.
To Katherine and Johan, brother Lewis's daughters, one flaxen sheet apiece.
Sould James Nicholls die before the expiration of the lease it is to pass to David Nicholls and his wife Margery for its duration.

Executor: David Nicholls.

Marked by testator.
Witnesses: Elizabeth Price, Morgan Price, Margaret Watkin and William Miles, minister.

Date of Probate:
1 July 1656




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
It is unclear whether the spelling of the testator's name with an "s" rather than a more usual "c" is a misprint by the copy clerk how it was originally spelt when the will was set down. Certainly within the text "Price" is spelt as one would expect.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0720