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Probate Collection; Will for Job Gilbert, gentleman

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1. Will dated 15 January 1748 .
To wife, Jane, The messuage and lands at Nantilad[?] in Monmouthshire for her lifetime and then to pass to William Gilbert, son.
Also to wife, Jane, for her lifetime 'all that her part share  or dividend of in and unto that messuage… at Kevenbach situate in …Michaelchurch Eskley'  together with the share purchased by the testator from Delahay Symonds and Mary his wife. On Jane's death the property to pass to son, Benedict Gilbert.
To son, John Gilbert, all leases and leasehold lands held by the testator under Thomas Smith Esq. situated in the
township of Craswall . Also to John, the house or cottage in Longtown, together with the seat in the parish church of Clodock.
To son, Thomas Gilbert, all the newly erected house, barn, beasthouses, gardens, lands and premises situated in Michaelchurch Eskley.
To son, Benedict Gilbert, £200.
To daughter, Elizabeth Gilbert, £150 provided she marries with the consent of her mother or of her two brothers John and Benedict. If she marries without consent then she gets £50.
All cattle and instruments of husbandry to be sold and the proceeds to be added to any money left after the payment of debts, legacies, funeral and probate expenses and invested; the interest to go to son, William during wife Jane's lifetime. On her death the principal and stock to be divided equally between John, William, Benedict, Thomas and Elizabeth.
To wife, Jane, all household stuff to be disposed of as she wishes.
To John and Benedict his law books.

Executors: sons, John and Benedict Gilbert..

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: John Smith, Foster Mabe, James Prichard and Thomas Beavan.

Date of Probate:
1 December 1749




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
Job Gilbert was the Lord Abergavenny's local steward. The rather odd bequest to son William of interest only on the investment of the money raised from the sale of stock during his mother's life indicates, perhaps, that William was rather simple and not considered able to look after his own affairs..

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0713