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Probate Collection; Will for Phillipp John Lewes, yeoman

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1. Will dated 4 July 1622
Beneficiaries: To Ellinor , wife, all household stuff except 2 table boards 'and the benches and forms thereto belonging, the one in the Hall and the other in the parlour', and all the 'soller ' [solar?] boards joined or not joined, but she to have the use of them for her lifetime.
Also to wife, all kine , young cattle and horses.
To godchildren, a sheep each and the remainder of the sheep to his wife.

To Elizabeth Rees, niece, daughter of Anne, the testator's sister, £13 6 8d
To Johan, niece, daughter of testator's sister, Johan, £6 13 4d
To Johan, niece, wife of Thomas Harry, £13 6 8d
To Margaret, niece, wife of Thomas Powell, £13 6 8d
To Alice, niece, Wife of William Smith, £13 6 8d
To Anne, niece, wife of John Smith and Elizabeth her daughter, £13 6 8d
To David Bowen, nephew, £13 6 8d
To John Barry, nephew, £10 and to Peter and Thomas Barry his sons, £5 each and to Jane Barry daughter of testator's sister Johan, £6 13 4d
To Watkin John Harry's children 'begotten upon Jonnet [Janet?] my niece 20/- apiece to every of them.'
To the three children of John ap John 'begotten upon Elizabeth my niece 2/- apiece'.
To godson, Phillipp Bowen, 20/-
To godson,Phillipp John Thomas, 20/-
To goddaughter, Elizabeth Smith, 20/-
To the executors towards the cost of proving the will, £10.
To be divided amongst the poor at his funeral, £3.
For funeral expenses, £6 13 4d
To the executors, £8.
Executors: John Smith of Millbrook and David Bowen, tanner of Hereford City.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Owen Phillips, Walter Phillipps , William Phillipps and Thomas Blackway .

2. Codicil dated 7 June 1625
Whereas the £13 6 8d left to Margaret, niece, wife of Thomas Powell shall not be paid and the £8 for the executors is to go to Elizabeth, wife of John Barry 'being the daughter of my brother Howell Jones deceased in addition to the £5 6 8d'.
To Elizabeth, daughter of Katherine, niece, and Lewis Griffiths deceased, 20/- and to Phillip Lewis her brother 20/-, to Johan, her sister, 20/-, to Thomas their brother, 20/-, to
Griffith their brother £4. to JohnThomas , son of Thomas Griffith and Jane the testator's niece, 20/-, to Elizabeth, his sister, 20/-, to Symon , their brother, 20/-
To Howell Thomas Powell, cousin german , 20/-
To Elizabeth Powell, maid servant, £10.
To the repair of the chapel at Craswall , 20/-
To Thomas Harry Prichard, servant, 20/-
To William William Prees , 5/-
To John Powell, son of Margaret, niece and Thomas Powell, 20/-
There follows a complex fomula for the raising of £25 for the payment of legacies involving his nieces Johan and Elizabeth holding his copyhold lands at Keven Bach and paying £5 every 3 years but being permitted to abate every £5 by 10/- i.e 10% until the full £25 is paid. In addition they are to pay 50/- at candlemas each year again until the £25 is paid. If one or other of the two girls die then Thomas Harry alone shall have the copyhold land

Mark of Phillipp John Lewes

Date of Probate: 17 January1625.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0712