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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Gilbert,

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1. Will dated 20 October 1654 .
To wife, Gwenllian, the leasehold messuage and lands in Craswall for the remainder of the lease, if she lives that long.
Also '…Whereas I have heretofore made of a ffeeffment of all that messuage, lands and tenements called Madocks ap Rees lands with the appurtenances lying within the township of Crasswall aforesaid to ffeeffees in trust to the use of myself and my wife Gwenllian during the term of our natural lives and the longest liver of us both with certain other uses as by the said ffeeffment more at large may appear'
In addition the testator also has a feefment on lands called Madock ap Rees's lands in the name of himself and his wife which after his wife's death are to pass to his eldest son John when he reaches 21. On attaining 21 and before he reaches 22 years and 6 months John is to make over the feefment lands to his brother Thomas and his heirs. Thomas is also to inherit the original leasehold lands from his mother.
To son, John, £200 that are on the lands of David Thomas, gent. for which money 'I have an assignment'.
To Mauld, eldest daughter, £150 at 21.
To Mary, daughter, £60 at 21.
To Thomas, 6 kine, 1 horse, and 40 sheep all to the value of £30.
To each of his 4 children, 7 beehives each
Son John is to be supported by his mother until he marries.
His household stuff to be divided between the 4 children at his executrix's discretion.

Executrix: wife Gwenllian

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Eustance Thomas, William Thomas, Elizabeth John Thomas, Ursula John ap Evan, Howell Ychan, Anne Gilbert.

Date of Probate: 5 May 1655.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0714