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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Rogers , yeoman

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1. Will dated 2 May 1685 'The first year of the Raine of our Soveraigne Lord King James the Second'
Item: for funeral expenses, £10.
Item: To [name obliterated] Rogers grandson[?] and his heirs, the third part of the estate of Bigglestone in Much Birch, county Hereford, and all other holdings in Much Birch and Little Birch in the Lordships of Trerado and Wilton inherited by the testator from his brother Richard Rogers.
Item: To Margaret Price, daughter of Timothy Price, clerk, 'my third best feather bed and bolster pair of flaxen sheets one blankett and a coverlet'
If Margaret is under 21 then the items are to be delivered to David Watkins of Ponty Pina and John Dodges [?] of Llanveynoe or to one of them for her use.
Also to Margaret, £10.
All the remainder of his estate to William Rogers, grandson, but Elinor Rogers, widow, William's mother to have the use of it for his maintenance during his minority, providing she remains unmarried.
Item: Executor until grandson William reaches 21, kinsman, John Williams of Much Birch, gent. and permitted to deduct 'reasonable charges and disbursements' towards the probate. John Williams to receive £5 for his trouble.

  Executor: Kinsman, John Wiliams gent of Much Birch until grandson William attains 21 when he to take over.
Marked by testator.
Witnesses: Wal Phe [Walter Phillips?], John Hodges, Rachell James and Jo [John] Davies
Date of Probate: c1685 [ probate information not available on the copy]









As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0721