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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: Johan Shawe

Place name:





Probate papers of Johan Shawe [Joanna Shawe, Joan Shaw], widow

Will included: Yes

Date of Will: 30th May 1688

Beneficiaries: To John Shawe, son, £2 and blanket, body bolster and sheets; To Elizabeth Shawe, mother-in-law, half the property where she now dwells [not named] to pass after her death to the said John Shawe; To Richard Shawe, son, the lease and assignments granted to me by John Lewis and Hugh Charles by their indentures of the 2nd February 1681, on condition that he pays £7.4s. yearly to Elizabeth Shawe for life, and if he defaults then the said leases etc. are given to the said Elizabeth; To Sybill Shawe, daughter, ‘the rest of my linen cloathes’ and all the property [not named] held by an indenture of 2nd October 1666 between Marmaduke Lewis, Elizabeth his wife and Sylvanus Lewis on the one part and Robert Shawe of the other part, on condition that Sybill pays Richard Shawe £3 yearly during the life of Elizabeth Shawe, and in default of which half of the said property is given to Richard Shawe; Charles Nicholls, grandchild;

Others mentioned: Robert Shawe, husband [deceased]; Thomas Morgan, brother, as overseer of the will. Richard Shawe and Sybill Shawe appointed joint executors

Witnesses: John Gilbert;Thomas Morgan; Charles Hughes; Charles [?Maye]; William Powell

Inventory included: Yes, dated 1st June 1688, value £158:19:08d. Refers to £120 relating to charges by lease upon lands of John Lewis, and to debts owed by John Parry, Marmaduke Lewis and John Lewis

Appraisers: Charles Nicholls; John Gilbert

Will proved: 16th [?February] 1689

Bond included: Yes, dated 1689; mentions Richard Shawe, Thomas Morgan and David Price of Llanigon

Other papers: None

Property/Holdings: None named



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Ref: rs_cra_0063