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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: John Gilbert

Place name:





Probate papers of John Gilbert, yeoman

Will included: Yes, dated 10 January 1817

Beneficiaries: I give and bequeath my freehold messuage of land with part of the dwelling house that I now live in and all other buildings belonging to it which I bought of Thomas Jones situate in the township of Craswall unto Blanch Price, daughter of Hannah Price spinster deceased. Also my leasehold called Gorgy in the township of Craswall unto the said Blanch Price. Provision for payment of debts and funeral expenses from chattels and livestock, with any residue bequeathed to Blanch Price apart from specified items to sister in law Ann Parry.

Others mentioned: None

Witnesses: William Watkins, William Jones, Mary Watkins

Inventory included: None

Will proved : 18 June 1817, value under £100

Bond included: None

Other papers : None

Property/Holdings : Gorgy


Directive to appoint  David Gilbert, joint executor with Blanch Price, as trustee until Blanch Price be twenty one years of age, and that David Gilbert have reasonable satisfaction for his trouble.

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Ref: nw_cra_4010