Held at:

National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: Morgan Thomas

Place name:





Probate papers of Morgan Thomas

Will included: Yes

Date of Will: 16th March 1798

Beneficiaries: To my son Samuel Thomas all my livestock and implements of husbandry upon condition that he pays all rent and arrears for the farm I now hold and in case Mrs Prichard my landlady will accept him as tenant, otherwise my will is that my wife Jane Thomas shall continue the farm and keep the said livestock and implements during the term of the lease, after which to give them up to my said son Samuel. Also to my wife Jane the annual interest of £200 secured as mortgage on Mr John Gilbert lands in the township of Lanvaino [Llanveynoe] and likewise £40 annual interest due by bond from William Gilbert of Craswall, likewise £20 annual interest due by bond from David Prosser of Craswall. Other bequests to: John Thomas, son, and his children; Ann Thomas, granddaughter and her sisters;

Others mentioned: Wife Jane Thomas appointed executrix

Witnesses: William Watkins; David Prosser; John Watkins

Inventory included: None; effects sworn under £100

Appraisers: None

Will proved:  23rd April 1798

Bond included: None

Other papers: None

Property/Holdings: None named



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Ref: rs_cra_0038