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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: Thomas Watkins

Place name:





Probate papers of Thomas Watkins, gent.

Will included: Yes [extremely difficult to read, some parts completely illegible]

Date of Will: May 1666

Beneficiaries: Extremely difficult to read; appears to name numerous beneficiaries and perhaps some specific properties.

Others mentioned: Difficult to read

Witnesses: None apparent

Inventory included: Yes, 2 pages, dated 27th July 1666, valued at £199-14-00 including a substantial range of household goods and livestock itemised, five acres of standing corn, six acres of barley, sixteen acres of oats, £30 for one lease in the township of Crasswall & Lanvinoe, £10 for one lease in Michaelchurch Escley now in the possession of Arnold Price, yeoman, and £8 for one lease of a close called [?Cair] [?Valta] in the parish of Michaelchurch Escley. It is annotated in Latin naming Constantia Watkins, with a date of 30 July 1666.

Appraisers: A Prichard; Lewis Jenkins; John Gilbert; Hugh [?Lorde]

Will proved:  August 1666; will annotated in Latin

Bond included: Yes, date difficult to read, naming Thomas Price, yeoman, and [?Constance] his wife

Other papers: None

Property/Holdings: Some named but very difficult to read


Will specifies the testator is to be buried in the Church of Michaelchurch Escley

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Ref: rs_cra_0052