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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: William Rogers

Place name:





Probate papers of William Rogers

Will included: Yes

Date of Will: 6th February 1670

Beneficiaries: To Elinor my wife, all the messuage lands and tenements … wherein John Thomas doth now inhabit which I lately purchased of the said John Thomas situate in the township of Crasswall, on condition that she pays £25 to ‘my deare father’ Thomas Rogers, and on condition that if his wife has issue by him then half the property is settled on his child when it reaches the age of 21 and then the other half on his wife’s death. If there is no issue, other conditions are described relating to the testator’s father and mother, and that the property reverts to his father and his heirs if his wife fails to meet the conditions. Reference is made to eight pence yearly rent belonging to the messuage from the Mill adjoining, which rent is bequeathed to the father. Other beneficiaries include Elizabeth, Isabell, Ann and Mary, the daughters of John Symonds of Eaton Bishopp who are bequeathed sums of money said to have been given to the testator by his grandfather John Symonds and now in the hands of [?Jeanne] the wife of John Symonds the younger and mother of the said children.

Others mentioned: Wife Elinor appointed sole executrix

Witnesses: [?Partridge]; Hunt; Griffiths; Thomas; Gilbert; [signatures partly obscured in the photocopy]

Inventory included: Yes, dated 16th February 1670, valued at £24-10-8

Appraisers: John Watkins; John Griffith; Thomas Watkins

Will proved:  31st March 1671

Bond included: Yes, dated the last day of March 1671, naming Elinor Rogers of Craswall and Jacob Parry of Craswall, yeoman and signed by them.

Other papers: A further document in the style of a bond naming Elinor Rogers and Jacob Parry, calling for her to redeliver the original will to the Register of the Archdeaconry of Brecon ‘for the defence of her title to the said lands’. [Part in Latin; date unintelligible]

Property/Holdings: None named



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Ref: rs_cra_0032