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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; nuncupative will and documents for John Jones

Place name:





1. Will
[4 pages] dated
22 August 1797 .
Beneficiaries: To his 'beloved' wife, Hannah Jones, his messuage bought from John Griffiths in Craswall, together with the tithe lately bought from the Earl of Oxford, provided she remain unmarried. She is also to have £6 p.a. out of the lands of the 'Late Samuel Jones Lands' in Craswall. If his wife remarries, then the messuage purchased from John Griffiths is to go to Mary Davis, daughter of John Davis, butcher. If she remains unmarried then the property is to go to Mary Davis on Hannah's death.
He bequeaths various household goods to his wife, including 'two boxes of her own I leave her'. After leaving his wife a few household goods and the annuity left her by her father, he continues, 'Immediately upon her Marriage to any other person….or any other way contrary to this my will, I Give and Devise unto my Beloved wife no more than one shilling.'
To his daughter, Hannah, wife of Charles Willson £200[?]
To his sister Hannah Jones an annuity of £3.
To his brother James Jones of Maucas [Moccas?] £60 or £10 to him and £10 to each of his five children.
To Ann, widow of David Jones of Peterchurch, £10 to her and £10 to each of her five children.
To Ann, wife of John Barna [Barnaby?] of Ewesharold [Ewyas Harold] £10 to her and £10 to each of her thee children.
To his brother Samuel's four children £10 each. To Samuel Jones, his brother, of Craswall, the messuage known as 'hendee Late Samuel Jones' with the 'Great Tythe' lately purchased from the Earl of Oxford at the expiration of the lease granted to David Jenkins
To his brother in law, Richard Watkins, the remainder of a lease from John Lewis Esq. on paying £10 to James Jones for assisting Richard Watkins in his executorship. Richard Watkins is also to have the four years unexpired lease on his farm 'and no more for Acting Executor.'
All his goods and chattels of every kind to be sold to pay off the legacies. Any surplus money to be returned to his brother Samuel Jones.
£30 is to be laid out on his funeral.
To the poor of Craswall £5.

Executors: his brother, James Jones and brother in law, Richard Watkins

Signed by the testator

Witnesses: Samuel loyd, Thomas Williams and John Exton.

Date of Probate:
19 September 1797 .




No inventory. See BR/1800/19 for what is almost certainly his sister Hannah's will. 4 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0620