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The Mansions of Herefordshire and their Memories: CJ Robinson

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Charles John Robinson MA was Vicar of Norton Canon in Herefordshire, and his book was published by Longmans & Co. of London in 1872. It includes comments on the parishes and prominent families of the county. The following entry is for Craswall:


“Crasswall [sic], a Township of Clodock, contains within its limits the site of an alien priory, founded by Walter de Lacy (husband of the foundress of Aconbury) about the year 1220. (See Castles of Herefordshire, pp.98-99). It was subordinate to the Abbey of Grandmont in Normandy, and, after having been enriched by the donations of Theobald Verdon, Hugh de Kynardesley, Roger de Clifford, Robert de Ewyas, and others, was confiscated to the Crown in the reign of Edward IV. The King granted its revenues in 1462 to Christ’s College, Cambridge, but it does not appear that the grant was confirmed. The chief owners in Crasswall, at the present date, are the Earl of Abergavenny, Captain Trafford, and Miss Rawson, who share in the Lordship of Ewyas.”

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Ref: rs_cra_0077