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Hereford Public Library


Local and Trade Directories


Original document


Littlebury’s Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire

Place name:





Trades and Professions named in Cusop include:

Carpenter: James Buzzard

Curate: Reverend RD Palmer

Innkeeper: Mrs Davies [Nelson Inn]; George Price [Sun Inn]

Laundress: Mrs Nott

Mason: George Price

Miller: William Wilkinson [Cusop Mill]

Rector: Reverend David Rodney Murray

Wheelwright: James Buzzard

Mentions property called:

Blaenau [David Price]

Blenheim Cottage [Henry Lloyd]

Broad Meadow [Thomas Price]

Coopers hall [Mrs Batt]

Cusop Cottage [Mrs Coleman]

Dulas [WA Swinburne]

Llydyadyway [Thomas Lilwall]

Mrs Morley]

Nant y glaster [John Howells

Pen yr hen llan [Charles Davies]

Redley [David Meredith]

Snails Hill [Mrs Nott]

The Turrett [James Price]

Trevadock [John Meredith]

Tybordy [John Lane]

Tyllyshope [John Newman]

Tyrglyn [Miss Lewis]

Images of the 1876 Littlebury’s Directory entry for Cusop are given below.


The Directory gives population, area, rateable value, types of crops, geology, county court, election arrangements and other details of the parish. The architecture of the church [restored 1858] is described. A new school has recently been erected. FR Trumper of Hay is Lord of the Manor, and principal landowners are Thomas James Stallard-Penoyre, Esq., Thomas Lilwall and Mrs Watkins.

This directory is not comprehensive in its coverage of all farms and commercial premises in the parish at the time. Also, in the transcribed lists of properties that are named, spellings in the original have sometimes been amended to reflect more common usage. In case of doubt please refer to the image of the original entry.

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Ref: rs_cus_0008