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Probate Collection; Will for Ezekiel Newman, yeoman

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1. Will dated 26 January 1812 .
To nephew, Thomas Lewis, the dwelling house and buildings. Lands and premises called Castle at Clifford, subject to the mortgage and an annual payment of £20 to William Walter, the testator's brother and also subject to a £10 payment to Mary Ann, daughter of David Walker the present tenant, when she reaches 14. In case any loss occurs to the nephew in the rents of the property by bad tenants then the brother shall be liable and subject to such loss of annuity which is to commence one year after the testator's death.
To sister, Hester Jones, wife of Thomas Jones, and independent of her husband, all that messuage or dwelling house and premises called the Pike situated in the parish of Michaelchurch Eskley, co. Hereford., for her lifetime, and after to nephew Eneas Jones subject to the payment of £160 to niece, Charlotte Jones, payable six months after her marriage with the consent and approval of the executor. If she marries without such consent she is to have an annuity of £8 to commence 12 months after her mothers decease.
To friend, Richard Weaver Watkins, the messuage/dwelling called Bulch together with a piece of land called The Palace all in the parishes of Cusop and Clifford. Subject to the following charges: 'That my executor do and shall set and let the said farm and premises and the rents and profits arising to pay my brother £20 for life'. Also to pay £18 to sister Sarah Woodhill for life. If brother dies first then his hare to go to be divided between sisters Phoebe and Sarah equally, and after their deaths full and absolute possession of the said premises to go to nephew Thomas Lewis subject to the payment of £160 to niece Caroline Woodhill (under similar terms to Charlotte above)
To sister Phoebe, independent of her husband, for life and after her death to brother I law George Lewis, the dwelling house, lands etc near Cusop Church now in the the testator's and David Robert's possession together with the clock now in the testator's dwelling which is to go with the freehold of the said premises for their lives and the life of the survivor of them and after their decease to Richard Weaver Watkins in trust to permit 'my nieces and Elizabeth' to receive the rents for their lives and after the death of the last survivor to the use and behoof of their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common..
To sister, Phoebe and brother in law, George Lewis, all implements , hogsheads and materials for repairs about the testator's dwelling house at Cusop.
To Richard Weaver Watkin his heirs and assigns, all ready money, securities by bond or note or otherwise in trust to place on secure investment and to pay the receipts to the following:
To Phoebe wife of John Richard, independent of her husband, £200.
To George Lewis and sister Phoebe, the interest on £200for their lives and on their deaths the £200 is to pass to Sarah wife of William Roscow[?] now of
London , independent of her husband.
To 'Elizabeth Lewis now living with me, £160 to be paid her 6 months after marriage' (consent and terms as above)
To late dear wife's godson, William Maddy of the Llan in the parish of Dorston, £40 to be paid when he reaches 21.
All household goods, beds, linen and furniture to his 3 sisters Hester, Sarah and Phoebe. Phoebe to have the first choice of the chest and drawers. If the sisters cannot agree the share out then the executor is to hold a public auction and divide the proceeds.
To the overseers of the poor of Cusop parish and the upper Division or Township of the parish of Michael Church Eskley £2 10 0d each to be given to the poor house [for those] not receiving weekly pay of each place and to the overseers of Clifford the sum of £5 to be paid and applied in like manner.
To Richard Weaver Watkin, £5 and 50/- annually for his trouble in executing the trust of this will.
To tenant, James Walter, £20 and to Sarah Burrow of
London , £20.

Executor: Richard Weaver Watkins

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: Stephen Meyrick, James Phillips, Thomas Higgins.

2. Codicil Memorandum 'Whereas I have given my estate towards the provof my will and the expenses if the executor shall find sufficient monies after my decease without the rents that then the different legatees shall receive the rents from the day of my decease.'
12 March 1812 Signed Eneas Walter

Date of Probate:
11 September 1812 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
Attached to this will is an affidavit dated
20 August 1812 from Thomas Higgins and Stephen Meyrick, Inn Holder both of Hay stating that they were both well acquainted with the deceased and his handwriting as he was often writing and rewriting his will and they were able to swear to his signature.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cus_1203