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Probate Collection; Will for James Spencer of Hay, gent, now residing in Cusop

Place name:





1. Will dated 3 November 1843 .
' Whereas as I did in the month of February last convey all my estate real and personal to Francis S. Robenham and William Bridgwater in trust to be disposed of for payment of my debt I hereby confirm that conveyance but as they have treated me very absurdly and refused payment of the allowance stipulated to be made to me and have not paid my labourers and clerk out o the produce of my furniture and effects disposed by them and the money received by them I hereby express my dissatisfaction at their conduct and it is my request and direction to my executors to investigate their accounts and charges  with the same ill nature they have shown to me . My nephew W[/]. Spencer Phillips whom I wished to have been benefited as far as the surplus of my property would have extended  has treated me very ill naturedly and [indecipherable] in a letter he has written to me relating to his Llanolopher property and left me to pay the surveyor for my good intention in enabling him to make the best of his farm there in return for which I leave him totally out of this my will and leave him to blame the wise spirit which induced him to write that letter. And for some recompense to my faithful housekeeper Eliza Lloyd for her care and attention to me and my concerns I give devise and bequeath all my estate both real and personal…'
'…..And I do herby nominate constitute and appoint the said Eliza Lloyd sole Executrix and universal legatee of all my estate and property whatever the same to hold to her the said Eliza Lloyd her heirs executors and assigns for ever as her own goods chattels and estate Not [indecipherable] her willingness and readiness to pay and discharge all just demands upon me '

Executrix: Eliza Lloyd, housekeeper.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: William J. Thomas, Henry Gerrans, Clerk to Mr Chendall, Solicitor, Hay.

Date of Probate:
12 June 1851 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
James Spencer was himself a Solicitor in Hay who was in fact notoriously convicted and gaoled for misappropriation of funds during the early years of the 19th Century. This will, because of its unusual nature has been almost entirely transcribed verbatim except the final few lines which are of a standard nature.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cus_1206