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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas John Davies

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1. Will [2 pages] dated 19 June 1620
Beneficiaries: To the poor of Hay, 10/-.
To the poor of Cusop, 10/-.
To his natural brother, Roger Davies, Clerk of Wellington in Herefordshire, the estate which the testator obtained as surety of a mortgage, from Howell Lewis of LLanigon, co. Brecon, unless the said Howell Lewis pays £133 on the day stipulated on the mortgage bond i.e. the feast of John The Baptist, 1621, when Roger Davies is to return the land to him.
The Testator states that he, his father, Evan Brace, gent and John Prichard 'were and are bound to Thomas Webbe, John Mynde and Margaret Floyd as in trust in the sum of £500 with condition  that I should bestow £300 in buyinge lands and should upon request made assure the said lands amounting to the value of £15 yearlie unto Elizabeth my wellbeloved wife for terme of her natural life'. On her death the £300 is to be disposed of as follows:
To Thomas and Rachell Davies, son and daughter of Roger Davies aforesaid, £100 to be equally divided between them
To Alice Thomas, the testator's 'supposed daughter', £20.
To Thomas Prichard, son of John Prichard, brother-in-law, £10
To Catherine, Marjorie, Rachell and Anne, daughters of the said John Prichard , £20
…'And likewise in consideration aforesaid  after the payment of the said £300 unto my beloved wife…my will is that the said Elizabeth my wife shall acquit, discharge and release the Said Roger Davies ….of and from all claymes actions titles troubles matters demands whatsoever'.
To brother, Roger Davies, £40 to keep and maintain the testator's sister Catherine or if she is looked after by someone else Roger is to use the money to pay her maintenance of £5 per year.
To Alice Thomas, aforesaid, £40.
To Thomas and Rachell Davies aforesaid, £13 6 8d 'equally between them'
To. Catherine, Marjorie, Rachell and Anne, 27/8d each.
To the 2 children of Howell Haye, 13/4d each.
To Watkin Lewis, 'my servant and alizeman[?]', 30/-.
To Brother, David, 2 two year old heifers.
To David ap Owen, uncle, a pair of Suyte[?]. and to Mald his daughter, 10/-
To Thomas Howell William and Mald Howell William, 13/4 each.
To Thomas Howell ap Jevan, 6/8d.
To Howell ap Gwillim, 6/8d
To William Phee Parry, 6/8d.
To Watkin Tho: Gwillim Watkin, 6/8d.
To Thomas ap Griffith, 6/8d.
To Mald Watkin Tho: ap Thomas, 30/-.
To the children of Thomas Parsons 40/- equally between them.
To 'my god sons and daughters', 5/- a piece.
To Blanch David, widow, 26/8.

Executors: Roger Davies, brother.

No signature or mark by testator indicated on this copy.

Witnesses: Henry George, clerk, Evan Brace, John ap John his mark , Watkin Parry.

Date of Probate: 20 June [year omitted]



As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cus_1200