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Probate Collection; Will for Walter Watkins of Lydiad-y-Way, gent

Place name:





1. Will dated 25 June 1796 .
All debts and funeral expenses and charges for proving the will to be paid.
To wife Mary, all household goods, plate linen and china.
To wife, Mary and son, Walter, all the testator's estate right title and interest in all the farms held and occupied in Cusop and Clodock parishes to be held by them jointly while they reside together but when they separate then all thye farms to go to son Walter. Similarly for all the implements and livestock. Provided that the son raises from the stock, crops and implements £1500 to be paid in trust to Richard Wellington Esq. of
Hay Castle . This some to be lieu of the life sum covenanted to be laid out by the testator's marriage settlement.
The will directs that before the son can be entitled to any interest from the estate he must give Richard Wellington a bond for the £1500.which bond Richard Wellington may charge at 4% interest or call in and invest himself until the money becomes payable.
From the £1500, £500 is left to daughter, Mary, upon her marriage and similarly £500 to daughter Elizabeth.
The final £500 is to go to son, James when he reaches 21. In the meantime the interest on the capital is to be put towards the maintenance of the children
To daughters, Mary and
Elizabeth , £1000 each on marriage, provided the marriages have the written consent of their mother. This £2000 is to be raised from his personal estate excluding the stock, crops and implements. It is to be paid to Richard Wellington in trust within 12 months of the testator's death and invested by him. Each daughter, I n the meantime is to receive £20 a year from the trustee if he thinks proper.
Wife Mary is directed to look after and bring up the daughters and to receive £20 a year from the stock and produce f the farms for their maintenance.
To son, James, all messuages, tenements, land etc. part of which is in the occupation of the testator and the remainder in the occupation of John Phillips and his under- tenants, known by the name of of
Forest situated in Hay parish. Also to James the additional sum of £100 when he reaches 21. Wife Mary to educate and bring up James out of the produce of the stock, crop and implements of the farm until he is 21; he is not to receive any rents or profits until that age, they are to be taken by Richard Wellington for his use. Richard Wellington is also appointed James' guardian.
To daughter, Mary, the messuage, land, pasture etc situated in Cathodine,
county of Brecon .
Residual legatee of his personal estate, wife, Mary, for her lifetime and on her death to his children divided as directed by her will. If she declines to apportion the estate then it is divided equally between the children
To assist his wife obtaining access to his money the testator makes over to her all mortgages in fee and legal estate and interest in the messuages, lands tenements and hereditaments conveyed to him in mortgage, provided that all the bequests and legacies are paid and accepted as 'full satisfaction of their entitlement under the marriage settlement'.
If his wife remarries the Richard Wellington is to take over and manage the estate in place of the wife.
If a daughter moves out to live either singly or on marriage she is to get her £1000 and annual income.
[ The will concludes with a section to cover Richard Wellington for defective investments and handling of the money]

Executors: Wife Mary and son Walter.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: W. Davies, Thos. Barr and L. Wellington.

Date of Probate: 8 May 1797.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
A very long (almost 5 pages) and complex document as one would expect of an obviously very wealthy man.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cus_1208