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Probate Collection; Will for Whitmore Blashfield, tanner

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1. Will [3pages] dated 16 Febrary 1790.
Beneficiaries:To son Thomas, 'the lease of the house I now live in and which I hold under Aythan Lewis and the lease of the farm I hold under Sir George Cornwall Bt.' Together with all stock, instrument of trade and all live and dead stock on the farm. Thomas is to pay the testator's wife, Anne, £10 p.a. in quarterly payments.
Thomas is to produce from this legacy £600 to be paid to the will's executors in Trust and to provide the wife and the executors' security for both the annuity and the £600 before he takes any benefit under the will. Should Thomas refuse or neglect to provide such security his legacy is to be taken into the trust.
The testator directs that all 'my messuages or Dwelling houses… in the town of Hay one of which is in the occupation of James Watkins Carrier[,carrier,?] and also all that my rectory and Tithes of Kington and Brilley…. which I hold by Lease for Lives under the Lord Bishop of Hereford'. Together with all the testator's other estate except his household goods, plate, linen and china be passed to his friends Richard Wellington of Hay Esq., William Downes of the city of Hereford, gentleman and John Morris, Innholder of Kington in trust to be sold. The £600 from Thomas is to be used firstly to pay off any mortgages and funeral and probate expenses and then to settle any Bond, Contract and simple debts with any interest owing. Thereafter the trustees are to place out £1000 at interest and pay the wife, Anne, an annuity of £40 clear of all taxes and deductions. Any additional Interest to go to the wife for the maintenance and education of the children until they reach 21.
On his wifes death the £1000 is to be split between the children ( except Thomas) shares being paid out as they reach 21. Any under 21 to be maintained by the interest on the remaining capital

[There follows a long section in which the testator details how he wants the executors to carry out their task and their responsibilities]

Wife, Anne, is appointed guardian of the under age children and is left the household goods, plate, linen and china.

Executors: Friends, Richard Wellington of Hay Esq., William Downes of the city of Hereford, gentleman and John Morris, Innholder of Kington

It is unclear whether marked or signed by testator

Witnesses: Richard Watkins, William Evans and John Watkins.

Date of Probate: 28 April 1794

2. Inventory: none surviving.




There are no accompanying documents surviving from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cus_1201