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Digital Archive: Photographs of the Golden Valley Railway at Dorstone

Place name:



1881 - 1956


These photographs of events relating to the Golden Valley Railway are part of a collection of village memorabilia held by the Dorstone Historical Society and are reproduced here with their kind permission.


Ceremony of cutting the first sod of the Golden Valley Railway at Dorstone, 1876


Opening ceremony of the Golden Valley Railway from Pontrilas to Dorstone;

Dorstone Station September 1881


Opening ceremony of the Golden Valley Railway from Pontrilas to Dorstone;

Dorstone Station September 1881




Party at Dorstone celebrating the opening of the Golden Valley Railway from Pontrilas to Dorstone, September 1881


Crowds at Dorstone Station, 1908


Golden Valley Railway: train at Dorstone Station departing for Hay; ?1930s


An unusual Golden Valley Railway track inspection vehicle at Dorstone station; ?1930s.

The passing loop for two-way working and its switch lever are to the right.



Golden Valley Railway train from Pontrilas approaching Dorstone station; ?1930s


One of the last Golden Valley Railway tickets to be issued at Dorstone.


Demonstration against the closure of the Golden Valley Railway:

The last day at Dorstone station January 1953


Closure of the Golden Valley Railway: The Mayor of Hereford at Dorstone station January 1953




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Ref: rs_gdv_0155