Held at:

Longleat House


Harleian Catalogue: bundle 16


Harleian Catalogue 'Bundles 1 - 59', Hereford Record Office


Copy Release (conveyance)

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




Copy release dated 29 July 1720 for the Manor of Ewyas Lacy and other possessions

1.  Nicholas Arnold of Lantony formerly of Lanvihangle Crucorney

2. The Hon. Ed. Harley of Lincoln's Inn, Esq.

Consideration £36,186 - 11s

Manors - Lordships of Comyoy [Cwmyoy] alias Comyoy Lantony, Old Castle, Red Castle, Stanton and Triley.

Manor of Newton, County Hereford

Impropriate rectories of Old Castle, Walterstone, Comyoy al. Comyoy, Ewyas Lacy, Forthog [Foothog or Ffwddog], Trewin, Treweadow,Trewerne, Berry Barn, Turnant Barn, Penparke, New Court Park, trelandon and Michaelchurch….

Lands called Maes y beran, site of the late dissolved priory of Lantony…. Meadow (7 acres) in Walterstone, messuage in Rolleston.

Tithes arising within the upper division of Comyoy now or lately in lease to Herbert Croft and Lower division Comyoy now or lately in lease to Richard Grundy.

Tithes arising - Walterstone, Rolleston, Llancillo, Craswell [Craswall] and Froscomb barn.

Tithes of wood and lands - Clodock, Longtown, Michaelchurch Turnant, Olchon, Craswall, Trelanden, Old Court, Treverne [Trewerne?], and Pen park, Berry barn, Foothog, Michaelchurch al. Nether Esley, Kender church, Buparke.

Tithes of corn and grain in Old Court and Trelandon.



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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_ewy_0061