Held at:

Herefordshire Records Office


BB2 /21-41




Deeds relating to the Clive Family of Whitfield Estate

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




The following has been taken from the Catalogue entry for the Deeds relating to the Clive Family of Whitfield Estate as they relate to a Messuage in Llanveynoe and a Messuage in Olchon together with two entries relating to Michaelchurch Escley and Craswall. The Whitfield Estate papers index relating to other locations is available on Access to Archives.


Messuage in Llanveynoe



Lease and Release. 15/16th March 1776.


1)        Walter Jeffreys of Brecon, Esq.

2)        James Price of Longtown, Clodock, taylor.

3)        John Jenkins of Trewern, Clodock, gent.

Consideration: £160.

Messuage formerly in possession of James William and David Prosser.

With mortgage (23 April 1776) from 2) to Joshua Morgan of Lanwenarth, co. Mon, yeoman (consideration £80) and Bond (£160).



Assignment of Mortgage (with bond). 7th June 1793.


1)        Israel Morgan of Lanwenarth, co. Mon., yeoman (executor of Joshua Morgan, yeoman) and Rebekah Morgan of the same parish, spinster (legatee of Joshua Morgan).

2)        As in BB2/21 2) but now of Lanveyno, Clodock.

3)        Elizabeth Gwillim of Lancillo [Llancillo], widow.

Recites mortgage (3 April 1776).

Consideration: £80 from 3) to 1) and 2) each.



Lease and Release (with assignment). 23/24 February 1801.


1)        As in BB2/22 2).

2)        As in BB2/22 3).

3)        Walter Prichard of Lancillo, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife.

4)        John Prichard, Walter Prichard the younger, James Prichard, Philip Prichard, Ann Phillips, Joan Phillips and Mary Prichard, children of 3).

5)        Jeremiah Rosher of Trewin, Esq.

6)        Richard Adams of Pontrylas, Kentchurch, gent.

Recites BB2/21 and BB2/22.

Consideration: £32 5s from 3) to 1); £187 15s from 3) and 6) to 2); 10s from 5) to 1); and £87 15s from 3) and £100 from 6) to 2).



Feoffment. 14th November 1805.


1)        Elizabeth Prichard of Longtown, Clodock, widow of Walter Prichard.

2)        James Prichard of Lantilliopertholey, co. Mon., smith, son of 1).

3)        John Prichard of Lanveyno, cordwainer, also son of 1).

4)        Gabriel Evans of Lanveyno.

Recites BB2/23.

Consideration: £20.

Seventh part of messuage as above.



Lease and Release (with final concord). 13/14th October 1808.


1)        As in BB2/24 1): BB2/24 3); Walter Prichard the younger of Comyoy, co. Mon., yeoman; Thomas Phillips of Roulstone [Rowlestone], yeoman and Ann his wife; Hugh Phillips of Clodock and Joan his wife; Thomas Llewelling of Llanvihangel, co. Mon., farmer and Mary his wife (children of Elizabeth and Walter Prichard).

2)        Phillip Prichard of Llanveyno, yeoman.

Recites BB2/23.

Consideration: £140.



Assignment of Lease. 20th October 1808.


1)        John Adams of Pontrilas, Kentchurch, gent., executor of Richard Adams of the same place.

2)        As in BB2/25 2).

3)        Judith Adams of Pontrilas, spinster.

Recites deed 1776.

Consideration: £100.

With extract of will (14 August 1804) of Richard Adams.



Assignment of Mortgage. 20th October 1818.


1)        As in BB2/26 3).

2)        As in BB2/25 2).

3)        As in BB2/26 1).

Recites deeds 1776-1808.

Consideration: £200.



Lease and Release. 22/23rd April 1831.


1)        John Adams of Wormbridge, gent. and as in BB2/25 2).

2)        Philip Prichard of Lanveynoe, yeoman.

3)        James Meredith of Lanveynoe, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife.

4)        Charles Bodenham of Hereford, gent.

Recites BB2/21 and 27.

Consideration: £200 from 3) to 1) and £130 from 3) to 2).

With appointment (25 April 1831) from 3) to Mary Stephens of Calver Hill, Norton Canon, spinster (£300) concerning the messuage and also a cottage and land in Olchon Forest opposite Bayley Batch [Beili-bach] commonly called David Pritchards land.

Also copy appointment (4 June 1831) from 3) to Francis Lewis Bodenham of Hereford, gent. (£168).



Lease and Release/Appointment. 22/23rd January 1835.


1)        As in BB2/28 3).

2)        Also as in BB2/28 3).

3)        Mary Stephens of Wormsley Grange, spinster.

4)        Philip Pritchard of Llanveyno, yeoman and Ann his wife.

5)        George Goldring of Trewyn House, Bwlch, Esq.

Recites BB2/28.

Consideration: £300 from 5) to 3).

With assignment of lease (23 January 1835)

1) As in BB2/28 4).

2) As in BB2/28 2) and Elizabeth his wife.

3) As in 5) above.

4) Thomas Hughes of Abergavenny, co. Mon., gent., trustee of 5) above.

Also with schedule of deeds (1862).


Messuage in Olchon



Lease. 18th June 1752.


1)        John Jeffreys of West Sheen, co. Surrey, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Ewyas Lacy.

2)        Ann Probert of Llanveynoe, Clodock, spinster.

Consideration: £10.

Rent: 2s.

Tenement occupied by James Probert and land in Olghon Forest.



Lease and Release. 1/2nd February 1794.


1)        Walter Jeffreys of Brecon, Esq.

2)        David Price of Olchon, Clodock, yeoman.

Consideration: £37.

As above, now in tenure of William Edwards.

With mortgage (11 March 1794) from 2) to James Gilbert of Llancillow [Llancillo], gent. (£140). Also includes land called the Purcas.



Lease and Release (with assignment and bond). 23/24th April 1799.


1)        As in BB2/31 2), brother of Edward Price of the same place, yeoman.

2)        James Gilbert of Llancillow [Llancillo], gent.

3)        Hannah Hunt, late of Clodock, now of Hereford, spinster.

4)        As in BB2/31 1).

5)        Samuel Price of St. Margarets, blacksmith.

6)        Thomas Lewis of Abergavenny, co. Mon., surgeon and apothecary.

7)        David Watkins of St. Margarets, husbandman.

8)        William Watkins of Clodock, yeoman.

Recites BB2/31.

Consideration: £140 from 6) to 2) and £60 from 1) to 6).



Release (with assignment). 16th May 1800.


1)        As in BB2/32 5), now of Llanveyno, Clodock, and Ann his wife.

2)        As in BB2/32 7).

3)        As in BB2/32 8).

Recites BB2/32 and articles of agreement (1 May 1800).

Consideration: £115.



Lease and Release. 22/23rd April 1803.


1)        As in BB2/32 7).

2)        John Prichard of Longtown, Clodock, yeoman.

3)        As in BB2/32 8).

Recites BB2/32.

Consideration: £315.



Lease and Release (with assignment). 1/3rd February 1812.


1)        As in BB2/32 8).

2)        As in BB2/34 2).

3)        John Rogers the younger of Walterstone, farmer.

4)        David Watkins of St. Margarets, farmer.

5)        Sampson Rogers of [Cathedine], co. Brecon, farmer.

Consideration: £238 17s 6d from 3) to 1); £196 2s 6d from 3) to 2).



Lease and Release (with assignment). 2/3rd September 1830.


1)        As in BB2/35 3).

2)        William Rogers of the same parish, farmer.

3)        John Church Morrice of Brecon, gent.

4)        As in BB2/35 5).

5)        Samuel Church of Brecon, gent.



Lease and Release (with assignment). 7/8th July 1834.


1)        William Rogers of Clodock, farmer.

2)        George Goldring of Trewin House, Esq.

Consideration: £525.

As above, now site of an ancient messuage.

[Assignment is to Thomas Hughes of Abergavenny, trustee of 2)].



Conditions for the sale of Puncas Farm. 14th September 1861.
With abstract of title to a site of a decayed messuage and land, land called Puncas (1752-1834), and messuage and eight closes of land (1776-1861).



Conveyance. 1st September 1875.


1)        William Williams of the Caio [Kayo], Llanveyno, Clodock, gent.

2)        Thomas Probert of Llanveyno, yeoman.

3)        Edward Russell of the same, yeoman.

Recites deed (19 June 1855).

Consideration: £160.

Tybach and Common Bach (sometimes called Olchon).


Farm in Craswall and Grigland Farm, Michaelchurch Escley



Copy Lease and Release (with copy Common Recovery). 2/3rd December 1776.


1)        Moore Green of Cage Brook, Eaton Bishop, Esq. (devisee of John Smith, late of Cage Brook, Esq.) and his son John Moore Green.

2)        Richard Thurston of Lincolns Inn, London, gent.

3)        Edmund Pateshall of Allensmore, Esq.

Consideration: 10s.

[Numerous properties are mentioned, those within Ewyas Lacy being]

farm in possession of David Watkins, Craswall and Michaelchurch Escley; Grigland farm, Michaelchurch Escley; (Boundaries/Acreages given).



Copy Lease and Release (12 June 1782). 12th September 1809.


1)        Elizabeth Osborne of Monksmill, Wotton Underedge, co. Gloucs., widow (daughter of George White, late of New Weare, gent., who was devisee of John Smith, late of Eaton Bishop, gent.).

2)        John Moore Green of Cagebrook, Esq., son of Moore Green, late of the same place, Esq.

Recites will of John Smith (19 December 1722), BB2/40.

Consideration: 10s.

As above.

With deed of covenant for production of title deeds (2 September 1809) from 2) to William Croome of Cirencester, Co. Gloucs., Esq. [Title Deeds relate to properties outside Ewyas Lacy].




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