Held at:

Longleat House


Harleian Catalogue bundle 17


Harleian Catalogue 'Bundles 1 - 59', Hereford Record Office


Grant of seisin

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




1 December 4 Charles        

1.  The Rt Hon Sir Robert Naunton, knt., Master of court wards and liveries, Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Surveyor of the liveries.

2.  Nicholas Arnold Esq. son and heir of John Arnold Esq.

The king is agreed to grant to Nicholas Arnold a special livery of lordship which descended to him from John Arnold son and heir of John Arnold.
Now: delivery of schedule of such lands and agreement for valuation; Nicholas Arnold does agree to pay the Crown the double of one year's value and not to disturb for life and in [?]

Attached to the deed

A value or Extent of the premises claimed by John son and heir of John Arnold. John Arnold II died 3 January 3 James I [1606] leaving the priory of Llantony in Monmouthshire lately priory of Llantony, Nr Gloucester, were possessed of the manors of Llantony, Comyoys in Hothnesland and all the manors Oldcastle, Walterstone, Ould Court, Newton, Kenderchurch, Erdsley, Overland and Netherland, Rowleston and Llancillo, the rectories and churches of Clodock in Ewiaslacy and the chapel of St Martin of Trewyn…. The advowson of  Ouldcastle, Walterstone, Ould Court, Newton, Kenderchurch, Erdsley, Overland and Netherland, Rowleston, Llancillo St Martins and Cronhowe and St Clodock in Ewiaslacy,… and tithes of corn, hay,and grain and other tithes in Penpark…. Trewern…Ewiaslacy…

Nicholas Arnold, knt. seised by feoffment of 3 July 27 Eliz. [1585] by which Thomas Chamberlain, knt. passed it to Arnold  and after his death it came to his son John, base begotten on the body of Margaret Hore alias Ysam, widow later wife of Nicholas Hore, gent late of Waterford Ireland and the heirs of John, remainder and seisin to Thomas Porter of Newent knt. and his heir



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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_ewy_0069