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Herefordshire Record Office




Transcript from Public Record document


Patent Rolls 14th Century

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




14 March 1383. Ratification, in favour of Richard Lescrope, knight, Nicholas de Carreu, Peter de la Mare, knight, John de Bisshopeston, clerk, Walter de Colmpton and Hugh de Boraston, joint tenants of the manors of Stratfeld Mortimer and Woghfeld, co Berks, Brymesgrave and Norton, co Worcester, and Penbrugge and Kyngeslane, co Hereford, the castles of Blanleveny, Dynas and Radenore, the lands and lordships of Blanleveny, Radenore, Warthreignon, Commotoudour, Presthemede, Norton and Ewias Lacy [Ewyas Lacy] in Wales and the Welsh March adjoining Hereford, the castles, manors and towns of Lodelowe, co Salop, and Knoclas in Wales and the Welsh March adjoining Salop, and three parts of the manor of Thaxstede, co Essex, of their life estate in the premises which they hold by licence of the late king and by fine levied and judgment rendered in a writ of scire facias against Edmund de Mortymer [Mortimer], late earl of March, with remainder, for life, to Simon, then bishop of London, deceased, William, bishop of Winchester, William, then bishop of Hereford and now archbishop of Canterbury, Roger de Beauchamp, knight, deceased, and John Bridwode, clerk.

[Calendar of Patent Rolls, Richard II (1381-1385, p271-2)]


In typescript records of ancient documents relating to Herefordshire; Vol 3, p242-243

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