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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Arnold Vaughan

Place name:





16 July 1626 .
Body to be buried in the parish
church of Walterstone .
Towards the repairs of the chancel of
Walterstone Church , 10/- plus 2/6d towards the purchase of new bell ropes.
To the parson for forgotten tithes, 12d
To the cathedral of St Davids, 6d.
To repairing Alterenis bridge, 10/-
To To the mending of
Upper Goytreys bridge, 5/-.
To the poor prisoners of the County of Hereford imprisoned in the common gaol in the city of Hereford, 5/- 'to be equally distributed between them in bread'
To brother, William Vaughan, all the money he owes without specialty to the testator together with the use of the £6 due long since under a signed agreement dated 2 April 1623, if William will repay the £6 without a recourse to law. Also to brother William, 'my mare colt'
To William's wife [no name] nine sheep and 'the great trendle which she hath now in her keeping'.
To brother Walter Vaughan, ' my one moiety of all the tithe corn or grain rising or growing in the p[ar]ish of Rowleston and Titheable places thereof wth all my right Title and interest which I have in the same.' Out of this said tithe Walter is to deliver to the legatees nominated the grain bequeathed, viz:
To Thomas Bob, John Stumpe, Mary George, Ann Powell, Jane the nurse, Richard Stebens, Phillipp David's wife, Catherine Edward, Honey, Phee[ Phillip] John's wife, an half bushel of muncorn each and to Sible Jones, an half bushel of wheat.
To brother Walter, one feather bed and bolster, a pair of flaxen sheets, a wafron[?] iron, and a stand.
To sister, Syble Havard, 2 kine, and 4 lambs. 'Also I give unto her a poyle or one waight of wooll'
To sister, Ales, £15 and all the coarse sheets , a little coffer, a frying pan, a brandiron, a cauldron, all the pewter and all the treen vessels.
To nephew, Walter Vaughan, £8.
To nephew,William Vaughan, £7 10s and the best chest or coffer.
To nephew, Thomas Terrett, 20/-
To aunt, Cicill Bamfild[Bamfield?], 13/4d
To cousin, Maud Price, 8/-
To Howell John, 10/-
To cousin, Ann Winston, 6/8d
To Walter Powell, 6/8d
To Catherine Price, 6/8d
To John Phillipp David, the elder, 5/-.
To godson, John Phillipp David, 5/-
To cousins, John, Phee[Phillip] Margaret and Ales Pye, 20/- between them equally.
To funeral expenses, £3.
All the rest of ' my cattle chat[ the rest of this word damaged and missing in the original] I give unto my nephew Walter Vaughan.]

Executor: nephew, Walter Vaughan.

Marked by testator with an "A".

Witnesses: Walter Vaughan, vicar [?], Rotherch Price, Eustace Parry, William Vaughan.

Date of probate:
2 April 1627

2. Inventory: dated
30 March 1627 ; value £62 4 0d . Assessors: Walter Vaughan, Phe[Phillip] Prichard .




The accompanying inventory is short and reproduced here with modern spelling

                                                                                                   £       s      d
Inprimis his wearing apparel and
money in his purse                                              iiijli             4
Item All his household stuff at                            iijli            
Item debts owing unto him by specialty            xlli           40
Item owing him wth out specialty                       xijli           12
Item two kine                                                          iijli              3 
Item four lambes                                                   iiijs                   

Som Totalis 62li 4s

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llc_0344