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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Elizabeth Nicholls, widow

Place name:





1. Will [2 pages] dated 5 December 1715

Beneficiaries: To Nicholas Symmonds, nephew, £10.
To Anne Symmonds, niece, £10, 2pair of sheets one fine and one coarse, 'the bed in the upper parlour and the boulster belonging to it', a chest in the chamber above the parlour and one small brass pot.
To Mary Horsman, niece, £10 , one pair of coarse sheets
To James Scudamore, corviner, nephew, £5
To Jane Scudamore, niece, £3
To Thomas Scudamore, nephew, £5 and 'my plow tock[?] and implements of husbandry
To John Scudamore, nephew, £10
To Sarah, eldest daughter of Mary Horsman, £2
To Aaron and Mary Price, son and daughter of nephew Aaron Price, £1 to each of them
To Anne Lewis, daughter of John Lewis of Rowlestone, one ewe and a lamb
To the two daughter of Mary Horsman 4 couples of ewes and lambs to be divided between them.

Executors: Madlen Scudamore, father & John Scudamore, nephew.

Marked by testator

Witnesses: Thomas Prichard, Francis Ralph & Aaron Price

Date of Probate:
5 March 1715/16

2. Inventory:
[plus copy] value £62 16 0d, dated
2 January 1715/16 . Appraisers, Thomas Prichard, gent, James Price, gent, both of Rowleston & Aaron Price of Bwlch Trewyn




Will. Inventory plus copy, 4 sheets in all .

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llc_0300