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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Henry Powell the elder

Place name:





1. Will [2pages] dated 7 January 1718/19

Beneficiaries: To Elizabeth, daughter, one chest with the things therein, one great coffer and the things therein, 6 pewter dishes, one brass pot, one brass kettle, one brass posnet, 2 feather beds, coverlets and blankets, sheets and bedsteads, 'one of which is in the lower chamber where the testatour lyes'
To Dorothy, daughter, one feather bed, one rug, one blanket and two sheets, one iron pot, one brass kettle 'next to the best', and £5.
To grandson, Henry Powell, son of David Powell, £2.
To granddaughter. Elizabeth, daughter of son George Powell, £1.
All the rest of goods and chattels, cattle and leases whatsoever to sons, David, Thomas Henry and George, and daughter, Elizabeth, to be equally divided between them.

Executors: David and Elizabeth Powell, son and daughter

Marked by testator

Witnesses: George Watkins, junior, John Bowrell, Samuel Rawlins.

Date of Probate:
30 June 1719 .

2. Inventory : [plus copy] Dated 13 May 1719, value £102 9 4d. Appraisers Mr Thomas Jenkins senior & Samuel Rawlins.




4 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llc_0310