Held at:

Herefordshire Record Office


J91/1, page 160


Digital images of Original Documents


Copyhold Grant to John Sherburn

Place name:





At a Court held at Longtown Castle on the 8th February 1781 the Steward of George Nevill, Baron of Abergavenny, granted to John Sherburn of Titley, Herefordshire, and his heirs parcels of arable and pasture land known as Tyr Saysenes containing about eight and a half acres then in the tenure of Samuel Williams, Blacksmith.


The land was adjoining freehold lands of Samuel Williams and John Sherburn.


The grant was for the lives of -
John Sherburn, aged 59
Ann Sherburn his wife, aged 44
John Sherburn his son, aged 15
Fine £9, Rent 9d per year, Heriot 5/-
Granted ‘by the Rod’.

‘Fealty respited’ (he was not required to attend Courts as a Jury member)

John Sherburn did not attend but was represented by his attorney William Jones, Gentleman

The name Tyr Saysenes perhaps indicates that the holding was at an earlier time held by a family by the name of Sayce



Other details of this holding


1 From a survey of the Ewyas Lacy Estate of the Marquess of Abergavenny taken about 1800, at the Gwent Record Office ref D1583/208 .


From page 11


From a map attached to page 11


(Full page 11)


2. From the Transcription of Agents Pocket Book of about 1865 (see gc_ewy_3111 )


“No 22, 23, 24, 25

Copy granted 1781 to John Sherburn all the lives in which have dropped upwards of Thirty years, during which time no acknowledgement has been paid. Sir Thomas Phillips therefore who is now in possession by purchase claims it as freehold.

Llanveynoe Tithe Map Nos. 573, 504, 507 & 508. - 9a.0r.3p”

3. The Tithe Map of the 1840’s shows these four fields as part of a larger holding of William Sherborne (executor of John Cheese) and occupied by Thomas Powell.
 See gc_llv_3007


4. In the Terrier of Herefordshire Estates of the Marquess of Abergavenny held at the Gwent Record Office(D1583/201 of 1895) subsequent details of the holding are given.It is marked here as part of Wern Farm.


This document is effectively the Register of Disposals of the Estate holdings. It shows that in 1895 the tenant was Elijah Howells and that it was sold in 1895 to Thomas Smith for £110. It notes that the Copyhold of 1781 expired in 1832 and was claimed by the then holder as Freehold. It was however recovered in 1872




As above

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Ref: gc_llv_2004