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Hereford Public Library


Local and Trade Directories


Original document


Littlebury’s Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire

Place name:





Trades and Professions named in Llanveynoe include:

Beer Retailer: James Davies

Blacksmith: David Williams

Carpenter: James Price

Veterinary Surgeon: William Smith

Vicar: Reverend Edmund Davis [resident in Longtown]

Wheelwright: James Price

Mentions property called:

Bailey bach [John Powell]

Blackhill [Richard Williams]

Blackhill [Walter Hughes]

Brass Knoll [James Gilbert]

Daran [Thomas Probert]

France [John Davies]

Great Cwm [David Watkins]

Highfield House [George Woodcock]

Turnant [John Nicholls]

Kayo [William Williams]

Lan dwr [John Johnson]

Lower cwm [George Powell]

Lower House [Howell Howells]

Middle cwm [James Watkins]

Olchon [John Simmonds]

Olchon [John Watkins]

Olchon Farm [John Griffiths]

Old Mill [John Pritchard]

Pont y mwdy [Thomas Bowen]

The Hollies [David Lewis]

Triloch ddu [James Smith]

Turboil Richard Williams]

Turnant [James Nicholls]

Upper House

Turnant [William Williams]

Yellow house [William Parry]

Images of the 1876 Littlebury’s Directory entry for Llanveynoe are given below.


The Directory gives population, area, rateable value, types of crops, geology, county court and election arrangements and other details of the township. The architecture of the church is briefly described. There is no school in the township, but a new school is about to be erected nearby in Craswall.

 This directory is not comprehensive in its coverage of all farms and commercial premises in the parish at the time. Also, in the transcribed lists of properties that are named, spellings in the original have sometimes been amended to reflect more common usage. In case of doubt please refer to the image of the original entry.

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Ref: rs_llv_0003