Held at:

Private Collection




Original Documents


Lower Mudwall and Town House, Llanveynoe

Place name:





The following is a summary of documents relating to the property known as Lower Mudwall, Llanveynoe initially comprising a messuage and land but becoming just land and a barn and beasthouse. There is also reference in the documents to Town House, Llanveynoe.


19/20th December 1791

Lease and Release between
1)   Philip Price of Llanveynoe yeoman
2)   Joan Gwillim of Rowlestone spinster
Sale of dwelling house or cottage closes or parcels of land called Lower Mudwall, Llanveynoe now in the possession of Philip Price.
Consideration £120. Witnesses Aytham Lewis and Edward Allen.
The property had been lately purchased by Philip Price from Walter Jeffreys Esq. and was previously part of the Estate of John Jeffreys Esq., late Lord of the Manor of Ewyas Lacy and lately bought by Walter Jeffries as Heir at Law of John under a Decree of the High Court of Chancery.


13th February 1811

Demise between
1)   John Gwillim of Rowlestone yeoman, brother and heir at law to Joan Gwillim spinster, deceased, intestate.
2)   John Watkins of Llanveynoe yeoman
3)   Walter Jeffreys of Brecon
Sale of a 1,000yr lease on Lower Mudwall now in occupation of John Watkins. Consideration £140.
Noted that the deeds of conveyance from Walter Jeffreys to Phillip Price are lost.


9/10th April 1811

Lease and Release between
1)   John Gwillim of Rowlestone yeoman as before
2)   John Watkins of Llanveynoe yeoman
Conveyance of reversion in Lower Mudwall now in occupation of John Watkins.


23/24th April 1811

Lease and Release between
1)   John Watkins of Llanveynoe yeoman
2)   Thomas Davies of Llancillo farmer and Elizabeth his wife
3)   William Davies of Llancillo yeoman and John Aubrey Davies of same yeoman, both sons of Thomas and Elizabeth
4)   Nicholas Gilbert Price of Rowlestone gent.
Reciting that John Watkins holds the freehold and has agreed a sale to Thomas Davies for £220. Thomas Davies wishes to convey the property to Nicholas Gilbert Price in trust for Thomas and Elizabeth Davies for their lives and then to William Davies and John Aubrey Davies as tenants in common.


20/21st July 1830.

Lease and Release between
1)   Nicholas Gilbert Price of Rowlestone gent.
2)   John Aubrey Davies of Llanveynoe yeoman
3)   William Davies of Llanveynoe farmer
4)   James Gilbert Price of Llancillo gent.
Reciting that John Aubrey Davies has agreed to sell his moiety in the property to William Davies for £90.
Nicholas Gilbert Price assigns the freehold to James Gilbert Price in trust for the use of William Davies.


22nd July 1830

William Davies of Llanveynoe mortgages to Ann Jones for £100 plus interest at 5% pa.


2nd December 1834

Mortgage assigned to William Farr of Grosmont farmer.


14th February 1860

Mortgage of £110 assigned to Phillip Watkins of Monmouthshire.


7th March 1862

Will of William Davies farmer Llanveynoe; died 20th March 1867.
Leaves freehold in Lower Mudwall to daughter Sarah and her husband Walter Hughes.


7th March 1866

Will of Phillip Watkins of upper Blaen, Llanveynoe [Probate says late Town House Llanveynoe], shepherd. Died 21st June 1872 at Town House. Goods and chattels to wife Sarah for life or marriage then to children John, Phillip, George, William, James, Samuel, Thomas and David. Also to Sarah property called Town House Llanveynoe for seven years or marriage or death, then to son John subject to a legacy of £170 to son Phillip.


2nd September 1875.

Indenture between
1)   Sarah Watkins of the Brain farm Clodock, widow
2)   Phillip Watkins of Llanbedw farmer
3)   John Watkins of Town House Clodock farmer
Sarah to give up her right to Town House on payment of £93 and Phillip to give up his legacy on payment of £144.


1st July 1880

Indenture between
1)   Walter Hughes of Blackhill, Llanveynoe and wife Sarah
2)   Sarah Watkins of the Blainey Llanveynoe widow
Sale to Sarah Watkins of freehold of Lower Mudwall subject to the mortgage of £110, for the sum of £110. Property formerly in occupation of William Davies, afterwards William Hughes and now Sarah Watkins.


11th May 1895.

Indenture between
1)   Sarah Watkins
2)   George Watkins of the Blane, Llanveynoe farmer
Sarah had used George’s money to buy Lower Mudwall and now transferred the property to him.


23rd July 1908

Auction sale where George Watkins of The Road, Craswall, offered Lower Mudwall comprising 9 acres a barn and beasthouse for sale by auction at the Crown Hotel, Hay. In occupation of Samuel Watkins as yearly tenant. Land adjoins road from Llanveynoe to Olchon and lands of Mrs Rachel Howells and Black Hill.
Bought by Samuel Watkins of The Firs, Olchon farmer, for £200.


9th September 1908

Indenture noted that George Watkins had paid off the mortgage.


The land forming the subject of these documents comprises what is still called Lower Mudwall. It is shown on the Llanveynoe Tithe Map gc_llv_3000 and more particularly on gc_llv_3003 Map 3 click here where the property is referred to as land owned by William Davis.


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