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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Papers of Thomas Price, yeoman

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1. Will dated
19 May 1740 .
Beneficiaries: To Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Price of
Leominster , dyer, the Messuage in which he now dwells. If she has no children, then it is to go to her brother John Price, or if he is without children, then to Arnold Price, second son of his brother John. Also to Elizabeth, a Messuage and lands in Olchon wherein William Jenkins now lives, together with a meadow called 'Gwerlod Pen y bayly' and croft adjoining near Longtone [Longtown?], which he purchased from Reece Parry, in consideration that she pay his debts, funeral expenses and the legacies mentioned.
To Ctune [?] Price daughter of Joseph Price, his nephew, £20.
To William Jenkins, £20.
To his brother John Price, 1/-, 'if lawfully demanded'.

Elizabeth to be sole executrix with the assistance of John Watkins of Ayton, Hereford , husbandman.

Mark of testator.

Witnesses: John Price, Thomas Price, Job Gilbert.

Date of probate: 5 February 1740/1 .




No Inventory. Number of documents 9, including 6 sheets of administration. Some of these are depositions of the witnesses. The witnesses ages are given as follows, Job Gilbert, gent of Craswall, aged 62 years and upwards, John Price, gent of Clodock, aged 21 and Thomas Price, gent of Clodock, aged 23. They state that Job Gilbert having 'drawn' the Will and 'reduced it to writing', then read it to Thomas Price who 'well approved' and signed it in the presence of the three witnesses.

Thomas Price died on the 22nd May, 4 days after making his Will

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0245