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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Howell Prichard

Place name:





29 August 1635 .
To the cathedral
church of St Davids , 6d.
To the parish
church of Clodock , 12d.
To the chapel at Llanveynoe, 18d.
To wife, Katherine, 2 kine 'such as she will make choice of' and 2 the best heifers, 6 sheep, 4 ewes and 2 wethers with 3 lambs; plus £15 in money the best pan, a horse, 2 bullocks (one 3 yrs old and one a yearling),- the two bullocks are for the discharge of funeral expenses and execution of the will. In addition all corn and grain growing and standing 'upon the Powell land now in my possession and occupation'.
To Watkin ap Howell, eldest son, one cow and one red two year old heifer 'being next for bigness and value to the two heifers afore mentioned for my wife', 6 sheep, £4 in money, the second best pan one coffer, and all the bedclothes of 'the bedd wch is on the Hall doore [?] of the said house' also an ox calf bred this year.
To Hugh ap Howell, second son, one cow, one 3 yr old heifer, 6 sheep, £4 in money, the best crock or brass pot, one blanket, and one coffer.
To Rees ap Howell, third and youngest son, one cow, one 3 yr old heifer, 6 sheep, £4 in money, another crock or brass pot, one chest and one other ox calf bred this year and one coverlet from 'the bed wherein I now lye'.
Crocks pots and pans are not to be passed on until after the death of wife Katherine unless she decides otherwise. The boys are not to "badger" her for them.
To Margaret verch William, reputed daughter of William John of Llanveynoe and 'my wife's sister's daughter and my now maid servant', one cow.
To Thomas Watkin, nephew and late son of my late brother William Prichard deceased, 'one yearling heifer with the advantage and wch hath a white face'.
To Johan George Prichard, sister, one cow calf born this year.
All cattle bequeathed are to be 'wintered and foddered with the rest of the kine in the house wherein they are usually placed as long as the winter meate wch is already provided and shall be further provided for them shall last or endure except they my said sons shall take away the said kine bequeathed to them.' Nothing of his wife's is to be taken away before the feast of St Andrew and the wife is to receive 'any profit thereof quietly and peaceably until the said feast day.

Executors: Wife Katherine and son Hugh ap Howell.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses:Thomas John Michell, William ap Rees Lewis, Zachary Gilbert.

Probate date:
7 October 1635 .

2. Inventory: nd; valued at £20 14 8d [but comes to£20  5  5d]. Assessors Thomas John Michell, Charles Jn [John], Thomas Rees Lewis, Zachary Gilbert..




The documents include a bond with bounden Katherine Prichard, widow.
The inventory accompanying is reproduced here with modern spelling:

                                                                                                                            £       s       d
Imprimis 6 kine                                                                            vili                6
Item two heifers and one bullock
     of 3 years old apiece                                                                xls                  2     
Item 3 heifers of two years old apiece                                  xxxs                 1      10
Item 2 yearling heifers and one yearling bullock                 xxs                  1
Item 3 calves                                                                                 xs                         10
Item one horse                                                                            xxs                 1
Item xxix [29] sheep                                                                   xxixs                1        9
Item 3 young hoggs or pigs                                                         vs                          5
Item one brass pan                                                                        xs                        10
Item one other pan being a lesser pan                                      xs                        10
Item one little brass pan a posnett and one little kettle        vijs                          7
Item v [5] little pieces of pewter and one little saucer         iijs iiijd                       3    4
Item one brass candlestick and one little
     old salt celler                                                                                    ixd                              9
Item all the corn and grain (late of the
     testator) being now lately 'inmed' [?]                                          xxs                1    
Item ij little r1cks of hay                                                                 xxs                1
Item All the bedding linen and woollen in the house            xxxs                1     10
Item four coffers and a chest                                                        xs                         10
Item all the implements and tools of husbandry                     vs                           5
Item two plain bedsteads                                                             ijs                          2
Item the testator's wearing apparel                                        xiijs iiijd .                13     4
                                                                                                  [but comes to   £20   5     5d]
                                                                     Sum tot xxli 14s 8d.[£20 14  8d]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llv_0401