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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Powell

Place name:





11 November 1640
To the vicar of Clodock, 4/- for unpaid tythes.
To Abraham, son and heir apparent of Howell Andrews, 'one table board and one furame [frame] being in the solar over the parlour and the wainscott behind  the table board in the parlour' , one bedstead 'upon which I now ly' and one truckle bedstead and one little bedstead in the coploft and all the 'flawed boards [floorboards] in the coploft'.
To daughter-in-law, Alice Powell, one [undecipherable] which is in the stable.
To Jayne and Katherine, daughters of Howell Andrews, 20/-
To cousin, John Flecher of Blackmere, 20/-
To Anne Gittoes, servant, £3.
To Sible Lloyd, widow, late wife of nephew Lodwick Lloyd, deceased, 10/- and to Ivan Lloyd their son, 10/-.
'Toward my funeral expenses and to be distributed to the poor at my funeral so much of my goods as my executor shall think and see to be fitt and convenient.'
The executor to keep , out of the goods, all his charges and expenses.
Residual legatees are to be the children of Charles Jenyngs and Racherme 'his now wife', namely: Charles Jenyngs, Katherine Jenyngs, Anne Jenyngs, Margaret Jenyngs, Elizabeth Jenyngs and Sible Jenyngs, the now wife of Simmond Brace in the parish of Clifford, the goods to be equally distributed between them..

Executor: son-in-law, Charles Jenyngs.
No indication of mark or signature by testator.

Witnesses: Richard Thomas Lewis, John Flecher, John Jennings, Thomas Jenyngs..

Probate date:
2 June 1642 .

2. Inventory:     dated 30 May; value £56 11 2d. Assessors: Thomas Jenyngs, Robert Wilson, Howell Ychan, Wal[ter] Phillipps.



The documents include a bond dated 2 June 1642 with bounden Charles Jenyngs of St Margarets,   in a surety of £100.
The inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling:
                                                                                                                        £          s          d
Imprimis wearing apparel                                                                          1
It. In ready money                                                                                         6
It. 4 feather beds 4 muck beds 4 feather bolsters
  & 3 pillows                                                                                                    4
It. 6 coverlids & 8 blankets                                                                         5
It. 7 pr of flaxen sheets and 15 pr of
  hurden sheets and 4 pr of linen cloths                                                    3
it. 6 table cloths                                                                                                         6
It. 3 towels 2 dozen table napkins & 3 pillow beers                                         10
It 2 standing bedsteads & 4 truckle bedsteads                                      1
It. 1 chest & 2 coffers                                                                                                5
It. 3 Brass pans one brass kettle                                                               4
It. 3 iron spits 1 pr of iron gobbards &
  one iron dripping pan                                                                                               5
It 3 brandirons 3 aldirons 2 pothooks one iron chafing dish                            5
It 10 dishes of pewter 6 pewter saucers
  3 pewter salt sellers 3 brass candlesticks                                             1
It 1 brass mortar and pestle                                                                                    1
It. 2cupboards 2 table boards 2 forms & 4 chairs                            1
It. All and singular wooden vessels &
  other small implements of household stuff                                                      10
It. one old 'barfoote' Dung wayne one old plough one old
   pair of harrows  two 'Sowes' [?]  two carbydles [carbridles?]
  and other small implements of husbandry                                                       10
It. certain flawed[floor?] planks and boards                                                                    2
It 10 Kine, one bull 4 suckling calves 2 two year old heifers
  3 yearling calves                                                                                         24
It one old horse                                                                                                      10        6
It. 11 sheep & 3 lambs & 2 pigs                                                                1       10
it 2 acres of rye & 4 acres of oats or thereabouts                                  1       13          4
lastly one cart-load of hay                                                                                          3        4
                                                                                                Summa tot   £56     11        2


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llv_0403