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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; Will and papers of William Henry, yeoman

Place name:





11 June 1664
Beneficiaries: 'towards the repacion of the pich [parish]
church of Clodock , 3/-.
To his 'neese ', Anne Harry, £20
To Thomas Lewis of Llanveynoe , £10.

To his sister, Jane Harres 20,
To his niece, Elizabeth Harryes , £20.
To Thomas Lewis£10 'due to by bond from David Thomas.
To his nephew, William Harry, £30 and to his two children, William and Mary, £13
To his brother Philip, £30/- and to his two nieces, Joane and Jane Jones, 10/- each. And to his nephew Phillip 20/-.
To Mary Trehearne [?], 2/6d
To Mary Jane Turner, 7/- and to James Preece , 5/- with other small bequests to Mary Price, Sible Parry, Jane Watkins Joane Cope [ ?] and Lewis Thomas
To brother, Phillip, 20/- for the poor of Llanveynoe .
.The testator makes it clear the £20 to his niece, Ann 'shall wholly fall unto my brother Phillip in case she the said Ann doe match herself without the consent of my said brother Phillip'.
Brother, Phillip Harry to be the residual legatee.

Executor: Thomas Lewis of Llanveynoe . Phillip Harry, his brother, and William Harry, his nephew, to be trustees.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: George Jenkins, George Parry and Hugh Georg .

Date of probate:
14 July 1664

2. Inventory: dated
17 June 1664 , value £153 0 6d. [This includes £149 in Specialties]. Appraisers: Thomas Watkins, George Jenkins and Howell Ychan




Number of documents 5, including Bond


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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0177