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Probate Collection; Will for Howell John Thomas

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1. Will dated 26 May 1632 .
To Elizabeth Howell, daughter, one messuage and tenement and one Capital house and messuage with appurtenances called Tyr Howell Yegowe situated in Longtown. To have, to hold, and enjoy by her and her heirs. If she has no children then it is to revert to the testator's right heirs on her death.
Also to Elizabeth, 48 [the copy has omitted whether pounds or shillings] which are in the hands of John Hughs and payable on the feast of the 'Annunciation of our blessed Lord St Mary the Virgin' in 1633.
Again to
Elizabeth , £3 10s in the hands of John Watkin of Llancilio Bertholy, and £3 10s in the hands of John Lewis of the same due by bond at All Saints [1 November] next..
To Jane, testator's reputed daughter, by Johnan Thomas, £30 if Jane will ' follow the will and councell of my executrix Johan Thomas Hughs [testator's wife].
Also to Jane, one cow, one feather bed and one Kwerlett [Quilt?] 'which are now upon the bed'.
To godson, Daniel John William, 2 two year old Heifers
To John William, two kine.
To goddaughter, Jennie verch Phe [Phillips], 1 two year old heifer.
To the repair of Clodock church, 5/- and 5/- to the poor of the parish of Clodock.
To nephew Philipp Howell John of Longtown, best suit of clothes.
To wife, Johan Thomas Hughs, all the rest and residue of his goods cattle and chattels and all household stuff, after the payment of debts and funeral expenses, except one chest and one great coffer which are to be left for daughter Alice Anne

Executrix: wife, Johan Thomas Hughs.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: Tho: Scudamor Rees Phelippe, James Thomas, Edward Watkin, John David, Harrie Watkin, Harry Thomas, John Thomas Hughs.

Date of Probate:.7 July 1632




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llv_0306