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Probate Collection; Will for John Price

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1. Will dated 10 April 1740
To grandson, Samuel Jones, one mare worth £3 10s at my death. Also one round table, one pair of gobbard irons one spit, one little brass skillet, one iron toaster, one box and a pair of andirons, being his father's goods ' and are to be demanded by my executor of Walter Harries of Llanveynoe.'
Furthermore grandson Samuel is to have a little box 'wherein his writings are kept' and his father's estate in Llancillo for himself and his heirs. If Samuel has no heirs the estate is to go to John Price, testator's son and his heirs.
To beloved wife Blanch and eldest son, John Price and son, Arnold Price, one third each of all his household stuff except one feather bed and its appurtenances which is to go the grandson, Samuel Jones. Once the division has been made wife, Blanch is to have first pick for her share.
To daughter, Sible Harries, 10/-.
To Mary Harries, daughter of Sible, one cow of the value of £3.
To sons, John and Arnold, all livestock and implements of husbandry to be equally divided between them. (the value of the cow for Mary is to be born by both shares.)
To son,
Arnold , £100.
To wife, Blanch, £8 p.a. for the rest of her life ('being the interest on
eight score pounds' [that is 5%]) And on her death the capital sum to be paid to Arnold .

Executor: son, John Price with Overseers Mr Edmund Thomas Esq. and Charles Hunt gent.

Marked by testator

Witnesses: list not available on this copy.

Date of Probate:
17 April 1741




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llv_0304