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Probate Collection; Will for Samuel Griffiths of Olchon House, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will [4 pages] dated 16 June1855
First, all debts and testamentary expenses to be paid.
To wife, Rozia Griffiths, £20 annually for her life if she remains a widow or £8 pa if she remarries, 'free of control from any future husband notwithstanding her coverture. To be paid quarterly starting 3 months after my death or after she leaves her residence with my son Isaak Griffiths at Olchon House.'
To son, Isaak Griffiths, £260 plus £20 to place him out an apprentice to some trade or profession he may desire to be placed to.
Also to son, David Griffiths, £260 and £20 to place him out likewise.
To daughter, Hannah, £260.
To daughter, Jane, £200
All which legacies to be paid when the sons and daughters reach 25 years old.
Son, John is charged with the maintenance, education and clothing of the 3 youngest children during their minority. John is to get the interest on their legacies for this purpose.
If John neglects the children, wife Rozia is to take them into her care and John is to pay her the interest at 4% p.a. until they reach 25. John is responsible for giving them the £20 to set them up in a trade and to use the interest on their legacies to maintain them.
If John and Wife 'can agree to live together at Olchon House without separating, he finding his stepmother and the children all things necessary for their maintenance and schooling and clothing then there is to be no interest paid till a separation takes place.'
To wife, Rozia, one mahogany dining table, easy arm chair, clothes chest, bed, bedclothes, bedstead and hangings and one bedstead during her life, and after to daughter Jane Griffiths, for her sole use and benefit
To daughter Hannah, one bed, 6 cane bottomed chairs one swing glass and one square table with drawers in addition to her legacy above.
To son, Isaak, one bed with clothes one box with 2 locks.
To son, David, one bed with clothes and one armed Chair and chest.
If any of the children die before reaching 21 then their legacy to be divided amongst the survivors.
To eldest son John, all the freehold estate called Olchon House Meade and the lands purchased from William Davies with all buildings etc., all cattle, corn, sheep swine implements of husbandry, goods and furniture except what has already been bequeathed to wife and children, together with all casks with beer, cider or empty in trust from which to pay the different legacies. Once the legacies are discharged then lands goods and chattels are John's.

Executors: son John and James Prosser of the Park in Llanvihangell Crucorney, co. Monmouth. .

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John Nicholls, Turnant, Llanveynoe and John Price, Pontendiry [Ponthendry], Longtown.

2. Codicil same date as will
If wife decides to separate from John then he is to give her £20 from the farm to cover her expenses in setting up her own place.

Witnesses: sam as fro will.

3. Second Codicil dated
11 July 1856 .
This is to alter the executors. James Prosser is deleted and replaced by Thomas Watkins with a bequest of £6 for his trouble. Also Thomas Powell of
Snowdon in Peterchurch parish, farmer is appointed trustee and adviser to the executors with £5 for his trouble.
In addition, to son, Isaak, the cottage and garden with appurtenances in Llanvihangell Crucorney purchased from Mary Price and in the occupation of Stephen Williams.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John R. n. Norton, Solicitor, Monmouth and Walter Guy Hill, his clerk

Date of Probate:
7 December 1857



As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
This is a long and legally complex will; deciphering it was not helped by the neat but difficult handwriting of the clerk who made the copy.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_llv_0302