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National Library of Wales




Original documents, photocopy


Probate Collection; documents of Elizabeth Lewis, spinster

Place name:





1. Will
4 June 1702 .
Beneficiaries: Anne Nicholls, daughter of James Nichols [Nicholls], yeoman, one chest and one box.
To her mother, 'one brass boot' .
To Maude Jorge of Peterchurch , 'my wearing apparel. To Katherine Perkins and Edward perkins of Michaelchurch Escley ., one brass pot and one great kettle

To Elizabeth Nicols , daughter of James Nicols , one broken pot
To Mary Parry, daughter of John Parry of Lanvino [Llanveynoe ], one coffer
To Mary Edwards, sister to [?] Edwards, one coffer
To Katherine Perkins, one 'fine sheete unmade and two othere shete
To Shusan Pary , daughter of said John Parry, one pair of sheets

To Anne and Elizabeth Nicols , daughters of James Nicols , one pair of sheets. "I give John Edwards…of  Lanvino " [crossed through].
To Sara Perkins, daughter of Edward Perkins, two sheets
  Maude Gilbert, one 'wastcoat '
To  Sible sister of Jon: parna [?], one petty coat and waistcoat more.
To Anne Nicholls daughter of James Nicholls, one coverlid
To Anne Parry, daughter of Jon Parry,  one 'flox beed ' [flock bed?].
To Jon Hoges , Thomas Perkins, Will Perkins, one Ewe[ ?] each
To Edward Perkins. A bedstead
  [A codicil [?] adds To Sible Charles, Sara David Thomas, Mary Edwards "cozen to David Nicolls , Marth pary , daughter of John pary , and her sister Elizabeth pary "

Executors: John Parry James of Llanvenoe and Edward Perkins of Michaelchurch .

Marked by testator

Witnesses  Catherine perkins , Thomas perkins , Edward Perkinse

Date of probate: 17 august 1728

2. Inventory: dated 14 August 1728 [2 copies]. Value £7 15 od . Appraisers: Richard Nicholls, Tho : Price




Number of documents 5


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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0153