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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers for Catherine Ychan, widow

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages] dated
7 December 1702 .
Beneficiaries: To daughter Sible, late wife of John Miles, gent, a moiety of a Capital Messuage in Llanveynoe [not named], once dwelt in by Howell Ychan the testator's late husband and Alice Powell, widow. [The said messuage was owned by Thomas Powell and Abraham Powell, his son, 'now both deceased']. Also given to Sible is a moiety of a meadow called Brooks 'containing 6 days math of hay', in Llanveynoe, late in the tenure of Howell Ychan. Also bequeathed to Sible, the heirs of her daughter Mary Prichard, widow, late wife of William Prichard, both deceased, and her daughter Ruth Hopkins, widow, late wife of Phillipp Hopkins, all the said premises, together with the moiety of that messuage wherein John Roberts did lately dwell called Teer William Harry Parry in Llanveynoe. Also that moiety of lands called Teer John Tommy and the property thereon. All which messuages were in the tenure of John Roberts.
There is a lease involved dated
12 February 1662/3 [?] between Edward and Magdalene Williams of the one part and Lewis Jenkins of Craswall of the other part, 'to the said Sible Miles, Mary Prichard and Ruth Hopkins, equally divided between them'.
Testator leaves to her daughter Jane, the wife of James Parry, the sum of £4 p.a,
To the poor of Llanveynoe and ' to the poor inhabitants adjoining to the highway leading from Penn y pooll sound downwards as farr as the castle of Longtown 30 Bushels of Muncorne or Rye viz. Tenn Bushells yearly for three years'.
Various other small bequests follow.
Sible to be residual legatee.

Executrix: her daughter, Sible.

Mark of testator.

Witnesses: James Watkins, Samuell Parry, Phillipp William, Da: Price

Date of probate:
1 January 1702/3

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
30 December 1702 , value £106 6 6d. Appraisers: David Gilbert, James Watkins, Da: Price.




Number of documents 5.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0261